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Imagine this being thoughts from a random person, I don't care from who

They're happy.
That's good.
I'm happy that they can be happy.
But why does it hurt?
Why do I feel left out?
I'm scared.
Scared that we could lose contact because they are happy now and don't need me anymore...
I don't wanna lose them.
They mean to much to me.
But they feel so far.
I feel like I'm slipping away.
I need them now...
But they're happy right now.
I don't wanna bring them down.
They are happy without me.
And that's fine.
Please stay happy.
For me?...

Based on real thoughts I had about people that mean very much to me, and I don't even know them that good right now... I must be stupid XD
Anyways, feel lived and drink and eat something
Love you <3

Thoughts when I feel lonelyWhere stories live. Discover now