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Name: Astra Nakamura

Age: 16

Quirk: Siren
Quirk Explanation: The user can control whoever they wish when they sing, the power lasts as long as the song they sing ; The users eyes turn bright blue when using (if eyes are blue then they turn silver)

"I'm done with you"

Love Interest:
N/A (i will probably change this later)


Friend Name: Ghalla (gah-lah)
Surname: Saito

Quirk: Attract
Quirk Explanation: The user can make anyone fall in-love with them when they make eye contact for longer then 3 seconds ; The users eyes turn Scarlet when using (if eyes are scarlet they turn a bright shade of pink)

"Bestie! I Just Made Out With The Two Most Hotties In School Infront Of The Karra (The "queen bee" of the school)! She's gonna go after my neck"


Friend Name: Kai
Surname: Hayashi

Quirk: Enhanced IQ and Dragon
Quirk Explanation: 1) The user (hence the name) has enhanced IQ ; The IQ larger then the average scientist 2) The user has wings and a tail, they can also turn into a actual dragon.

"Girl- That's like the third time this week! And it's only Tuesday! Stop aggravating her!"



Mother Name: Yenna
Surname: Nakamura

Quirk: Mermaid
Quirk Explanation: User forms a mermaid tail every time their legs are under water for longer then 5 seconds

Status: Deceased

Last Words: "Tell my baby I love her..."
Cause of Death: Murder

Father Name: Sonata
Surname: Ishii

Quirk: Lover
Quirk Explanation: Pretty much cupid, except he makes his own bow out of light

Status: Alive ; Hero
Hero Name: Cupid



First Name: Karra
Surname: Gentai

Quirk: Fire (basic I know)
Quirk Explanation: The user van control the flames, how hot it is, and where it goes

"If you continue to make out with those two, I will set your clothes aflame infront of them"


A/n: i found energy to do this so here we are, hopefully each chapter will have at least 800-1000 words (no promises!) I will not be using images unless I draw them myself!
So, Enjoy my hopefully decent book! :D

Sirens ~ [BNHA OC INSERT] !DISCONTINUED!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя