CHAPTER 5 ~ USJ / Part 1

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~Astra's POV~

While I'm walking to school, I see a large crowd of people with cameras and microphones. 'Great...' I try to walk past them only to get stopped by a woman with a microphone.

"Hey are you one of All Mights students? What's he like in person? How is he as a teacher?"

"Fuck off lady, I'm tired" I say flipping her off while walking away. I could hear her groan in frustration as I leave.

~Narrators POV~

Once everyone piled into the classroom, Aizawa spooks the kids when he started talking, only it to just be about picking a class representitave.

"I wanna do it!"

"Pick me!"

"I'll do it!"

And much more shouts of that. "Everyone hush! This job is not something everyone can do, you must be able to lead the entire class in an orderly fashion!"

'It's obvious you want us to pick you' The entire class seemed to think. "We will hold a vote, the person with the most votes must be suited for the job"

"But how will that work, everyone'll just vote for themselves"

"Then that means the person with the most votes is trustworthy! Right Mr.Aizawa?"

"I don't care but get it over before my nap is over" then flops to the ground.

'Good idea Aizawa I'm gonna vote then pass out right before lunch' Astra smirked to herself.

Once everyone voted it was final.


Izuku Midoriya - 3 votes
Momo Yaoyorozu - 2 votes

"It is declared Midoriya will be Representative, and Yaoyorozu as the Co-Representative."

Iida was in the corner, sulking about how he got no votes.

Then they were dismissed to lunch

~Astra's POV~

As I sat down after I grabbed my ramen, I began eating only to get interrupted by a loud bell

"Warning, Level 3 Security Breach"

'Great..' I looked around for the exit only to see it extremely packed with students.

As I'm looking for another exit, I get pushed in the crowd by a running student "God Dammit"

I'm smudged against the window, I try to look at the gate, only to see a large crowd, with cameras and microphones. 'God fucking damn it.'

I stay against the window for another minute, then seeing Glasses flying and calming everyone down. I can finally breathe.

The one time I'll appreciate him, doesn't mean I'm gonna tell that, it'll just boost his ego.

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