CHAPTER 4 ~ Hero Training

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~The Next Day~

Astra, once again, refuses to get up, but eventually gets up.

She does her morning routine (brushing her teeth, brushing her hair, getting her uniform on). Then grabs her bag, "Bye Dad!" She waved goodbye then started her walk to the train station.

~One Train Ride Later~

She walks onto campus, quickly finding her classroom then sitting down, almost immediately putting in her earbuds.

~Astra's POV~

I quickly ignore Glasses as I put in my earbuds, playing spotify. I pull out my sketchbook and start doodling

 I pull out my sketchbook and start doodling

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(NOT MY ART, its really
pretty tho)

As I finish the doodle I see Aizawa walk in, so I put my sketchbook and earbuds away.

~TimeSkip to Lunch~

I sit down at a far table, eating my rice in peace. 'Man Present Mic blew out my ears in that lesson...I swear I'm gonna be deaf at the end of the year..'

~TimeSkip after lunch~

I'm looking out the window, minding my business until All Might walks in "IM WALKING IN..LIKE A HERO" I would be lying if I said that didn't make me jump.

He starts talking about this class is like "Heroics 101" or something like that..

Then pulls out shelves that have our costumes that we designed and submitted before applying.

~After Changing~

(Astra's costume ^ I havenotes on it that I just added•the stars on her shirt have paralyzing chemicals in them•her mask acts as a gas mask and a speaker•the balls on the second belt are used as a distraction but are automated to jingle only when ...

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(Astra's costume ^ I have
notes on it that I just added
•the stars on her shirt have paralyzing chemicals in them
•her mask acts as a gas mask and a speaker
•the balls on the second belt are used as a distraction but are automated to jingle only when done manually
•the balls on the main belt are filled with poison (not gonna kill you, just hurts a bunch)
•the needle in her hair can be used as a weapon, it's also made out of steel
•her boots silence her steps

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