CHAPTER 1 ~ Training

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~9 years later~
(She's 16 now)

Astra was in her backyard. Why you ask? She was training for the UA entrance exam. She already studied for at least a month for the written exam. Now she just needs to work for the physical.

"Hey! Lunch is almost done. Go take a shower then come eat!" Her father called from the kitchen.

"Alright!" She called back. She put the punching bag back in the closet. Running to her room for clothes for when she gets out.

~After her shower~

She exited the bathroom, in her black sweatpants and a tank top. She walked to the kitchen. "Hey, I just finished going sit down and I'll bring it to you" "Okay" She then sat down at the table, while waiting she got out her phone.

'Crime Rates increasing in Musutafu' "Huh..." She put her phone away realizing her father put down her bowl. She took a bite, almost immediately enjoying it. "I see you like it" her father said while chuckling.

"LIKE IT? I LOVE IT" She screamed. She devoured it almost instantly. "Mkay gotta go train bye" she said running to her what she calls it "the backyard but its inside the house". She sat down for a few minutes thinking on what to work on. Considering she needs to work extra hard since her quirk only works on people and she doubts the staff are gonna make them fight actual people. She still needs to train her quirk yes, but she desperately needs to work on her combat skills.

"Mkay I have kicks high and low pretty much mastered...punching is pretty good..Oo I could try headbutting, maybe that'll work!"

She got out a mat and placed it on the wall, "hopefully this doesn't hurt.." She threw herself at the wall. She crashed in the wall, pretty much bouncing off the mat, considering the fact that headbutting is not her strong suit, but she is gonna work on it "Oww..that hurt.."

Her dad came down to the basement..thing wondering what that sudden thud. "Hey what happ- oh, want ice for that..? You may or may not have a bump on your head..." "Yeaahh..."

She got up, and followed her dad to the kitchen and grabbing an ice pack for her head. You see, since she's been training, this hurting herself on accident has happened so often, her dad has like 20 bags of ice just ready in the freezer.

"You gotta stop doing this, the guy at the gas station thinks I have friends and a cooler, thinking I'm buying ice for a party. He even asked me to go! And he looked at me like I'm crazy when I said it was for you"

She held the ice with one hand and her phone in the other, "I'm probably gonna sit here until the ice melts and my head feels better." Her father nodded then went to his room doing who knows what (don't worry its not nasty)

She decided 'hey, what if I text the group chat!'

✨✨The homies 😌💅✨✨
(Ghalla- Succubi said who🤭
Kai- Dragon Boi🦖
Astra- The future Adele❤)

The future Adele❤
Hey! Y'all awake

Dragon boi🦖
Yeah what's up

Succubi said who🤭
Yeah wassup bbg

The Future Adele❤
1) stop calling me bbg
2) I literally almost broke
my skull just now

Dragon boi🦖
What happened?

The Future Adele❤
I tried headbutting TwT

Succubi said who🤭
Told you so

The Future Adele❤

The Future Adele❤

Dragon Boi🦖
Can't even spell

The Future Adele❤
Don't think I forgot about
the spelling bee in 2nd grade
when you forgot how to spell

Succubi said who🤭
Oop, she got you GOOD

Dragon Boi🦖

*Dragon Boi🦖 has gone offline*

The Future Adele❤
He still can't spell it, his "enhanced IQ" must not be working

Succubi said who🤭

Succubi said who🤭
My dads calling me gtg

*Succubi said who🤭
has gone offline*

*The Future Adele❤
has gone offline*

Astra chuckled, making fun of Kai for the spelling bee always made her day. She noticed the ice melting so she got up and put it back in the freezer. Then walked into the basement..thingy.

She decided not to work on headbutting for a little while, taking out the punching bags. She wrapped bandages around her hands to make sure that her hands won't get hurt, and if they do, she has the bandages.

She started focusing on the sole image of the guy who murdered her mom and started punching, knowing that when she focuses on him, her hits are such stronger.

At one point she almost broke a kinda big hole in the punching bag. After going at punching for a bit, she sat down drinking her water (Stay hydrated).

She put the bags away, "that should be enough for the day..I'll work on my headbutting a little and kicks maybe or jumping maybe..."

She left the basement, walking up to her room, picking out her clothes for after her shower. Just a simple tank-top with a light purple hoodie and some basketball shorts.

~After her shower~

As she exited the bathroom she almost instantly flopped down on her bed. 'What time is it..' She turned her head to read the clock, it read: 10:37. 'I should probably head to bed, since the tests are in about a month I should probably work on my sleeping schedule'

She turned the light off in her room and once again, flopped on her bed. Falling asleep...

~In the Morning~

She woke up to the sound of her alarm, 'is it already 6' she checked the clock, it read 6:00, she sighed and got up, walked (more like sulked) to the bathroom, brushing her teeth and washing her face.

She headed down to the kitchen to see her dad cooking breakfast, in a bright pink frilly apron. She burst out in laughter, catching the attention of her father. "THIS WAS THE ONLY CLEAN ONE STOP LAUGHING!!" her dad screamed, but her being her, only laughed harder.

Almost at the brink of passing out, she calmed down and stopped laughing. "O- *wheeze* Okay dad.." She left the kitchen and sat down on the couch, opening the notes app on her phone, writing down what she needs to work on

Things to work on

•Maybe acro

She then closed her phone.


word count: 1097

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