Chapter 31 - The Students' Training During Internships!

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"Hmph!" Tasushi grunted, dodging an attack from the Pro Hero, Uravity, while fighting in a dojo.

She kept throwing punches and kicks at them, a majority of them managing to land on him. He tried his best to not show any signs of pain. Her attacks were very close to him, making him flinch each time as he tried to pay attention to them.

Standing off to the side, Hikao was slightly shaking. She watched the two go back and forth, Tasushi making it obvious that he was losing. That only made her more scared since she knew that it was going to be her turn next and she wasn't the best at fighting against actual heroes.

Tasushi finally decided to make his move, sending a punch her way. She ended up grabbing his arm and flipped him over, slamming him on the ground.

'This dojo is really helpful and I know she said to fight her like she's a villain but...' Tasushi could feel a sharp pain form in his back. 'I'm not as strong as her!'

"Tasushi...?" Hikao murmured his name softly and slightly bit her nail. "I should've offered to go first..."

"It's alright." He managed to hear her comment, managing to get up.

Uravity was dusting off her hands with a smile. "You fight decently, Suru! I was impressed."

"Thank you...I wish I could've done better but when you attack, it's so fast that it surprises me."

Hikao nodded in agreement and set her gaze to the ground. "Yeah...I could hardly see any of it..."

"Try focusing more on your own speed." Uravity was checking on him, not seeing any bad injuries. "You also really focused on what I was currently attacking you with instead of thinking of my next move.

Try studying how your opponent attacks as fast as you can. Take note of what they do and once you're able to, you can predict their next move and fight on from there. That helps me a lot so I'm sure it'll be of use to you!"

Tasushi nodded and stared at his fist before clenching it. "Right...thank you very much, Uravity. I never thought about it like that. I want to work hard."

Hikao put a hand on his shoulder and hesitated to talk. " did the best you could, Tasushi."


She quickly looked away from him in embarrassment. "Yeah, no problem..."

"Right!" Uravity clapped her hands together. "Tasushi! Get down and do 50 pushups before you try going against me again!"

"What?!" Tasushi suddenly jolted at her words and sighed. "Man, I should've tried harder..."

Watching him go down and start, she looked at the girl. "Alright! It's your turn now!"

Hikao was looking around as if there was someone else. "M-My turn...?"

"Mhm! Just fight against me like I'm an actual villain, alright? Don't hold back."

She made it clear that she was nervous about it. "B-But...I..."

"Don't be shy." She tried to reassure her since it was written all over her face. "Just be as rough as you need to be against me. Try to win because remember, I'm an actual villain in this situation."

"Hey!" Tasushi got her attention, finishing up his push-ups. "Just do your best, Hikao. I think you'll do fine."

Hikao slowly nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Thanks..."

"Suru!" Uravity then got his attention and pointed down. "Do 50 more pushups, alright?"

Tasushi sighed heavily and started doing so. "Yes, ma'am."

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