III-A redefinition of strength

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"We put strength forward as if it were the perfect excuse to avoid pain, frustration,dissapointment or our emotions" Mary jo. 

But what is strength for you ?

In the past, stength was loneliness, bottling up and more importantly hiding what i felt to others to the point that i no longer knew my own opinion and became bored of myself.

But now through the lessons learned

Strength is saying yes or no when i mean it. Strength is choosing myself even when i don't feel like it. Strength is being honest even when it stings. Strength is opening my heart and sharing the brilliance of my soul.

So let's all  redefine strength in our own terms. You are stronger than you've ever imagined my friend. Strength is a muscle that you can flex daily, just as your resilience.

A redefinition of strength might be what can get you out of the lost self mindset lately.

Are you willing to try it ? 

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