IV - A silent cry for help

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Are we there yet, screams your soul ? You thought about happy when all along, you thought about arriving; about a designed destination in your head. But a child who screams , are we there yet forgets to appreciate, what IS  already there. 

Are you missing on what already is, or  the wonders in where you're at ? 

See, there is a silent cry for help in each one of us. As a matter of fact insecurities are universal but some of us are just better actors. We crave to be seen and heard for who we truly are not knowing that we are the one holding ourselves back. 

What does your cry for help sounds like lately? 

We cannot deny our need for a hand if we aim at being more resilience-oriented. We have to let go.

Often times our cry for help sounds like what we don't have, can't do or how everyone  have it all together but us.

But we all live in figure it out mode.

Maybe if you stopped to put your cry for help on mute it will actually be the catalysis for a new opportunity, healing or deliverence. But trust me even I have those blind spots that silently hurt

It sometimes takes someone else to be aware of that cry for help.that's ok since the divine works in mysterious ways.

Sometimes fear holds us back almost as a mermaid song too beautiful for us to hold.

But God heard your cry and will be your guide if you let him.

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