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it is OFFICIAL! i am writing a sequel to hourglass and it's on my profile right now, ready to read! it's called "Adrift" go check it out.


❝And so she floated,
Further into a world of emptiness.
A void in which she would be trapped forever.❞

In a matter of seconds, everything Olivia and her friends had worked so hard to achieve had shattered like glass. Just when things had begun to work out and she had been saved from the brutal curse that shadowed her family, more havoc wreaked upon her and her friends and loved ones discover that she may have not come back the same, and she may never be the same again. She was once again stuck in a battle between her own mind, soul, and fate, putting her life on a harrowing deadline.

Hourglass → Ace; Nancy Drew [1]Where stories live. Discover now