vi. the forgotten orphanage

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Headlights flashed brightly onto a large stone sign that read "FERNWOOD"

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Headlights flashed brightly onto a large stone sign that read "FERNWOOD". Although covered in vines that had grown over it over the decades it had been abandoned, the sign was hard to miss. Its evident old age, conveyed by the moss and dirt covering it, added onto the area's mysticism. It also weighed onto the curling feeling in Olivia's stomach as they pulled into the large open area in front of the orphanage.

The building stood large and tall, towering over them like an intimidating giant. It almost looked Victorian, and Olivia would have believed it was that old considering the masses of green that had grown in front of it. The tall trees that had formed almost a jungle around the orphanage blocked the car from driving any further. As the car came to a stop, they all piled out of the car one by one, each stopping the moment they exited to take in the bewildering sight.

"Alright," Nancy muffled after a moment of hesitation. "Everyone ready?" Her voice was steady, but by the breathy sound of it, it was clear to the others that she was as uncertain as the rest of them. She glanced back briefly before returning her wide-eyed gaze to Fernwood and switched her flashlight on, beginning to walk toward the building.

The door creaked as Nancy pushed it open. Her foot on the old wooden grounds caused a loud grating sound as she emerged through the doorway and into the home. Her flashlight, although strong, barely allowed any clear vision until the others entered the orphanage with their phone flashlights shining brightly. The light highlighted the flying dust particles that consumed most of the air around them, signifying just how old this place was.

Olivia's arms stiffened, squeezing tightly into her sides as she took in the massive cobwebs filling every corner of the hall. She furrowed her brows, taking in the sight of unevenly placed chairs and pieces of furniture that were splayed across the floor, as though someone had trashed the place. Bess gasped suddenly, making Olivia flinch. She sighed with relief when she realized Bess had just been shocked by a bird's chirp.

"Somebody worked hard to make sure this place got forgotten," Nancy murmured, her head moving slowly from left to right as she took everything in.

Olivia followed close behind, ducking past a large branch growing through the cracked window on the right. "They did a good job at it too..." she added, looking at the center of the hall where a long dining table was covered in dirty dishes and cutlery. Spiderwebs hung from the ceiling lamp all the way down to the used plates, covering every inch of them.

"Looks like they left in a hurry." Nick's eyes never left the messy floor.

When Bess gasped, Olivia flinched instinctively. She sighed with relief when she realized Bess had just been shocked by a bird's chirp.

"Looks like they straight up vanished. I'm getting serious Roanoke vibes," Ace said, his hand trailing over the head of a dusty chair.

Olivia wrapped her arms around her own torso, rubbing them with her hands to try and rid herself of the goosebumps. Everyone's comments about the place raised the hairs on the back of her neck. Horror movies were things she once loved– a tradition she had carried out with her father. Some nights, she would even sit alone and watch, completely unbothered. But now that her entire world appeared to be turning into an escape room or haunted house, she wasn't so sure she wanted a part of it anymore when what once fiction now appeared to be real.

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