Chapter 6: The Job

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A/N: Now we're getting into the show :)

A week after they concocted their plan, Hermione found herself on her way to Rocque Records for an interview.

For the entire week, both her and Luna have successfully avoided Logan and the rest of Big Time Rush. They weren't above resorting to using disillusionment charms just to avoid bumping into them in the lobby, which was quite a lot.

Now, Hermione was dressed in a work-appropriate outfit on her way to the company headquarters in a taxi. The two witches decided that Hermione would be the better choice to work out of the two of them, for Luna didn't fully yet know the ways of the muggle world—an American one at that—and as Hermione was going to turn 18, she was going to be the American legal age for an adult.

Her attention was grabbed when the taxi came to a stop and the driver turned to her. She gave him the fare and proceeded to exit the cab.

If she didn't know where she was at, the big sign that said, 'Rocque Records ' with a logo in red splayed in the front of the building told her. There were people dressed in business suits going in and out of the building, their briefcases swinging back and forth from the fast pace they were walking. Hermione was fondly reminded of her Ministry.

Her thoughts were disrupted when she heard yelling and cheering coming from the building. She quirked a brow at the sound, not expecting that. She continued to the building and with a gloved hand, she pulled the door open, the sound of cheering getting louder every second.

She went to the front desk to the receptionist and rang the small bell. The receptionist, a brunette in her 20s with a ton of makeup on, looked up from her computer with a fake smile. "Yes?"

"Yes, I'm here for an appointment? With Gustavo Rocque?" Hermione told the woman, holding up a folder which contained her resume and other documents that they asked her to bring.


"Hermione Granger." The woman looked back down to her computer and typed her name in the system. The fake nails clacking on the keyboard made Hermione's eye twitch.

"Second floor, room 210. Here's your pass, and have a nice day." The receptionist slid a pass across the counter towards her and gave her a fake smile. Hermione nodded and grabbed the pass, making her way to the lifts.

When the lift doors opened, she noticed that the sounds of cheering became louder as she made her away down the hall. She looked to the walls beside her and saw many posters of different boy bands. Looking away from the horrible posters, she continued walking until she made her way to an open area.

It was court?

Another look around the area told her it wasn't. It seemed as if it was a regular studio that was big enough to hold a set of stands along with a basketball hoop and a drum set. Behind the stands was a scoreboard, showing two teams named the 'Goats ' and the 'Tigers '. Clearly the Goats were losing as they only had 5 points compared to the Tigers, who had 62 points.

Hermione was bewildered. She wondered if this was what record producers do in their free time.

The loud whistle had her eyes snap to the people who were playing basketball in the small studio. A man caught her attention as she saw him trying to stop the game, yelling for them to get out of his studio, but ended getting knocked out of the way onto the floor.

She immediately ran to the man that was lying on the floor in a daze. The people around her dismissed the man who was clearly a person in charge. "Sir, are you alright?" She asked him, grabbing his arm to help him sit up.

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