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"Be careful... He's dangerous..." Lucius says, watching the view outside of one window of my bedroom. "He likes to play... If anything bad happens, tell me."

Says the Death Eater moron. I'm irritated of his weak proposition while I'm busy picking out which earrings I should wear. Pearl or diamond. If I am about to die tonight, might as well do it in style. "You have the mark, Lucius. It's too late to play hero with me. You can do nothing."

I decide to use pearl and head out. I leave him in the mansion that I will inherit from my family after I marry a Pureblood that is not a head of the family... as long as that Pureblood isn't the Head of name like Lucius Malfoy, I can proceed to marry. But who? I still can't decide. God... please forbid me to marry any of the Crabbes and Goyles. They can just marry each other all they want, I don't want my heir to be infected by their lack of intelligence.

Then I apparate to Voldemort's ugly home. It's big, but I'd get rid of the roses here. This big old mansion which he takes from his late father to spite. Weird decision. I hear his father is a muggle and hates wizards, so I'm a bit puzzled of why Voldemort would pick this place to live.

Before I could use the door knocker, the double doors open wide for me. A different approach to yesterday. Much more welcoming.

That's nice then.

I walk in to the entry hall and there he is, waiting in the middle of the room. In his poised posture, hands behind to resemble a good respectable man. He acts like he's smiling shyly as I walk over to him. A perfect example, of a wolf in the sheep's clothing. Oh, but he's very easy in the eyes, isn't he. I can stare at him so long.

"Miss Bellatrix Black, welcome," he says and curt his head in mannerism.

I should play along and offer my hand and he automatically do what it has to be done. He takes my hand to kiss it in a moment. Lips linger more than it should have been done. His lips brush lightly on the back of my hand. It tingles, hate how please I am. He let my hand go gently. He's evil, but damn he has flair. His face, charming as ever. No wonder many of them have collapsed to his advancement. I should not be weak in his presence.

"Should we sit for awhile, or are you eager to see my collections upstairs in my chamber?"

"Your collection will please me, surely, I cannot lie. I'm curious. I know that no one has ever seen them before."

He looks amused. "Yes, I feel that you will understand me better than anyone." So he takes me upstairs. Strange... No one's around. Yesterday was full of Death Eaters. I wouldn't have been able to barge upstairs if I attempt it yesterday. Yet now I can freely be led by him.

The bedroom double door opens and I can see the spaciousness of it all. Nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, very bland, hardly any furniture in the room. "It's a poor attempt to try to sleep with me, My Lord. If you want to do that, just say."

He smiles at me briefly as he walks toward one of the two wardrobes. "I know, but I wouldn't treat the Black family so poorly."

The wardrobe wasn't ordinary. He takes out his wand and the wardrobe moves aside. A dark room shows itself. Well, I'm ready to die, so I follow him.

It's dark. Only the exit has light to guide me back out.

"Tell me, Miss Black, have you seen death before?" he asks from somewhere I can't see.

"Let's see... I have watched a niffler die in front of me. We were practicing the death curse on it. I'm the one who did it."

"Ah, the death curse. How adorable. Then you might have never killed something in such a dark creativity?"

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