part 2

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(Darren's POV)

today Reggie didn't want to go get boba with me and I felt a bit sad. so I went to see if Oli wanted to get boba with me. I walked in and saw Oli and Seb talking. I walked up to Oli standing and hugged him, Oli was my comfort person to get to when I feel sad or needed someone to talk to and hug with...

"oh, hey Dar do you need anything?" he said patting my head. I looked up and him with a sad face and he looked down at me worried...

"Dar what's wrong?" he said turning around to face me...

"well, Reggie didn't want to get boba with me and I feel a bit sad!" I said, he patted me on the head...

"Maybe he's just a bit tired, shooting too many hoops!" he said which kinda made me happy a bit, I thanked him went back to find Reggie. Reggie and I shared a room so maybe he might be there...

"Baby?" I said walking in, but he wasn't there...

"where's reggie?" I said feeling sad again. I went downstairs to see if he was in the kitchen... he wasn't there, then I check outside and walked over to the basketball court, sometime Reggie goes out to shoot hoops so he can clear his mind off things, but this time he wosn't there...

"weird?" I said getting curious to where he might be. I then walked back into the house and set down on the couch...

"Yo, Dar. whatcha doin?" I turned around to see Seb eating some cookies happily. he walked over and set next to me...

"nothing much bro, about you?" I said looking at him...

"not- *mubbling* nothing much" he said mumbled eating his food, crumbs falling form his mouth. I giggled at him, sometimes I think he acts like a 5 year old kid...

"I was wondering if you and me can get boba tomorrow?" he said which made me happy. I turned around and hugged he tight, he hugged me back too...

"ok, then can't wait!" I said and patted him on the heand before leaving, I was feeling a bit tired so I went to get a nap to skip time...

(Seb POV)

I saw Darren heading upstairs disappeared from my sight. I then got back eating my cookies, I know Darren was sad that Reggie was ignoring him, but it's true that me, Kane and Justin gave this prank to Reggie. so to make it up for Darren. tomorrow I would breing him to get boba with me...

"well I can't wait for tomorrow!" I said getting out off the couch and putting my plate into the kitchen sink, I turned around and saw Reggie leaning against the kitchen table...

"um... hi reg?" I said nevoursly and bit scared. he looked at me staright in the eyes full with anger and frustration like he was about to explode, I just stood there frozen, if I moved I would die...

"so, do you need anything?" I said staying calm, well trying. with Reggie and his death stare looking at me was aking me sweat alot...

"why are you sweating Seb?" he said in a deep low voice, then shivered me down to my spines...

"um- I wa-was working ou-out!" I said shakingly with my voice, all I could hope for was someone to walk in and mak it stop and to my realive Oli came in just in time...

"what's up with you two?" he said stopping in his tracks, I looked at Reggie then at Oli...

"Seb why on earth are you sweating so much?" he said looking at me weirdly...

"I wa-was wo-working out! y-yeah!" I said again with a scared shaky voice...

"Oh, well it looks like you had out work yourself to much" he said walking over to the fridge to get a drink of water...

"what about you Reg?" he said turning around closeing the fridge...

"I'm doing great Oli, I went out to get some fresh air!" he said with a happy tone, like he change back to his nonchalant self agian, Reggie then got up from where he was sitting and left like nothing had happen, I on the other hand was terrified...

Seb's mind

*how on earth can Reggie be angry and then calm after?* I said in my mind, as I was about to drift of into my thoights someone snapped me out of it...

"Seb got take a shower you stink!" I turned around to see Ryan holding his nose and standing farway from me...

"yeah, bro you need to take a shower!" Oli said holding nose too...

"ok, ok you don't need to tell me twaice bro!" I said and ran to my room to take a shower. good thing it's still day time...

ignoring my boyfriend prank// Reggie x Darren // BxBWhere stories live. Discover now