part 5

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(no one's POV)

After, explaining Darren the plan to everyone they get ready...

"Ok, places everyone!" said Y/n ready for the prank to begin...


"ok, so the plan is that Regie and I are going to pretend to fight and Y/n-san you will run up and get them acting shocked and worried, then when the three of them come down they will see Regie holding a bet which he is not going to hit me for real with it..."

"what! why, would I hit my princess?" said Regie pouting at Darren. making Darren, Oli, Ryan, manager ty, bae, and  Y/n laugh...

"ok, sorry baby. now where were we, oh yes. ok, so we need fake things like broken glasses, plates, tables, fake blood, and-" before Darren could say anything else Oli took out the things Darren was talking about...

"how on earth did you-"...

"Shhh, it's very hard to explain, but I'll tell you the story later!" he said giving the things to Darren...

"um, ok thx Oli. now let the prank begin!" Darren said and they left to get ready...

ok, everything had already started. Darren had fake blood all over him and Regie had a bet covered in fake blood. Y/n quickly ran upstairs putting her acting skills on...

"guys, quick hurry please come downstairs quick!" Y/n said burging into Seb's room startling the three boys that were inside playing video games...

"Y/n what are you-" before Kane could say anything, Y/n pretended to snap...

"Get. Your. Asses. Out. And. Come. Quickly.!" snarl Y/n pretendingly. making the three scared confused boys get up and quickly followed her down the stairs to the leaving room...

"ok, wh-what do you want us to see-"...

"shut the hell up you BAKA, why can't you look at me when I'm talking to you?" shouted Darren angrily. the three boys froze in their spot completely, Y/n standing beside them tried hard to not laugh...

"BOKE, I was stressed lately and you had the nerves to start a fight!" shouted Regie...

"well, it wasn't my fault you keep ignoring me!" shouted Darren out loud for the three boys to hear...

(Kane, Justin, and Seb's thoughts)

*uh, oh?* thought Kane...

*oh, no this is bad, Regie and Darren are going to break up!* thought Seb

*what do we do?* thought Justin...

(back to the prank)

the boys were still stuck in their own thoughts when they snapped out by Regie smashing a glass mirror with the blood-covered up bet...

*wait is that BLO-BLOOD?" thought the three boys shaking in fear. when Darren turned around, the boys show blood covered all over the side of his ear down to his chin...

"ok, you two please come down!" said Oli, Ryan, and bae walking up to comfort one of them...

"Stay back you two this is only between me and Darren!" barked Regie holding his bet up, the three boys moved back away from the angry nonchalant man...

"Regie please put the bet down!" said manager ty walking in...

"manager ty how about you f**king stay away from me and Darren's business!" barked Regie angrily. manager ty then backed away, the three boys watched as manager ty backed away and stood next to Oli, Ryan, and Bae...

ignoring my boyfriend prank// Reggie x Darren // BxBWhere stories live. Discover now