Chapter 3: Throughout The Years

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In the blink of an eye, four years had passed by, and Izuku and Katsuki were now 8 years old. They had grown considerably well with their added height, more so when they both enrolled in a martial arts class after Izuku had asked his mom if he could after their doctor's appointment four years ago. Auntie Mitsuki agreed to let his brat of a child join Izuku in the martial arts classes after a few begs and tantrums.

At first, Auntie Mitsuki didn't want Katsuki to learn martial arts since it might result in him becoming more violent than he already was and that he would be a lot harder to handle. Heck, she could barely handle the brat as he was, and it was taking everything in her to knock a bit of sense into his head and discipline him.

To Katsuki's luck, Izuku was able to puppy-eye her Auntie into agreeing, along with Inko's own persuasions. That included Katsuki expending the rest of his energy in the afternoon martial arts classes right after school, so he'd be tired by the time he got home and she'd have less trouble with a tired little Katsuki. With that, Auntie Mitsuki reluctantly agreed as long as Katsuki promised to be less of a brat than he already was. Izuku even brought it to himself that he would keep Katsuki on a tight leash. His statement brought laughter to the two mothers' while his best friend, Blonde, was in a rage fit.

In the present, Izuku and Katsuki had just finished their afternoon martial arts training and were on their way back home. Their homes were in the same neighborhood, so they would always walk each other back home. Katsuki got taller, much taller compared to Izuku, which is a slight pain when you have to constantly look up to talk to the blonde. But that didn't mean that Izuku didn't grow slightly taller; he did, just not noticeably.

"Oi, Izuku, can't you just gate us home?" grumbled the blonde as he held his bag over his shoulder with one hand in his pocket in a slouching posture. I'm tired. Sensei beat the crap out of me today. "

"And is that my fault?" Izuku retorted with one brow raised in a questioning manner. "I wasn't the one who "accidentally" broke some wooden boards when told not to." Izuku said as he emphasized the "accidentally" part with air quotes.

"Whatever, just gate us home already!"

"No! Using my quirk makes me tired, and I'm already tired enough! So walk faster if you want to get home! "

tsked as he grumbled about Izuku, while the other just seemingly pouted. But as they continued on and were passing by Takoba Beach, now a dumpster of a place, quite literally, they suddenly heard an explosion coming from the beach. They looked in the distance to see smoke fuming into the air behind one of the trash mountains on the beach.

"Oi, let's check what that was." Katsuki suddenly said before running towards the beach and leaving Izuku behind. Izuku was about to say something, but now he couldn't and instead groaned as he chased after the blonde.

Izuku and Katsuki followed the smoke behind heaps of trash until they found the source. To their surprise, a girl in goggles, maybe their age, emerged from the smoke as she coughed and fanned out the area. She had almost salmon-colored hair and was wearing a tank top with a mechanics jumpsuit tied to her waist using the sleeves. When she took off her goggles, her eyes' irises had a unique crosshair-shape.

"Wowwie!" The girl exclaimed, still coughing and fanning out the area. "Guess that idea was a bust. Back to the drawing board I guess." She then cleaned herself off of the smoke as she looked up in surprise to find both Izuku and Katsuki in front of him.

"Who are you guys?" With a head tilt to the side, she expressed her confusion.

"What the heck? Who are you? What were you doing? " Katsuki barked at her as he gritted her teeth.

"Just making a few of my babies silly!" She said casually that sparked a wrong thought in both boys' heads.

"Babies?" Izuku asked in a shriek before the girl suddenly laughed out loud.

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