Chapter 5

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Tuesday 12:59 p.m.
"Wow! Theses waffles are amazing Karl!" Quackity just exclaimed as he smiled and had a plate of waffles in front of him as he took another bite. Karl couldn't help but smile seeing Quackity smile and be happy, "See I told you they make great breakfast foods!" Quackity nodded as he kept smiling and eating the waffles humming a bit. Karl smiled and patted Quackity's head a bit.

Quackity looked up at Karl blushing a bit as his face was stuffed with waffles. "Hahaha! Look at you!" Karl said laughing and smiling. "O-oh hush" Quackity said blushing more in embarrassment as he swallow the waffles and started to take calmer bites not to stuff his face either.

"No no! I think it's quite cute!" Karl hummed putting his arms on the table and his head in hands. Quackity just blushed more but it wasn't from embarrassment but rather being flustered, "c-cute?" Karl smiled and nodded, "ya! I think your quite cute Quackity!" Quackity blushed more and suddenly stood up, "I-I need to use the restroom" he huffed as he quickly walked to the bathroom while Karl smiled slightly giggling, 'very cute' he thought and continued eating his own food.

Tuesday 1:10 p.m.
Quackity soon came back and sat back down playing with his hands a bit. "Is something wrong...?" Karl asked worriedly as he look at Quackity. "Why-....why do you wanna help me? I-I appreciate you doing this since n-no one has ever been there for me b-but why you? I-I mean we barely have known each other for about two days a-and your just so fucking nice! I-I'm scared that you want something from me, I-I don't have a clue what b-but whatever your looking for i-in me I-I don't have it..." Quackity whimpered as he started tearing up.

Karl was silent for a while then he got up and walked over to Quackity hugging him tightly but gently at the same time. Quackity flinched when Karl hugged him but slowly hugged back as he started crying. "I don't want anything from you Quackity, I don't need anything from you, I can't stand seeing someone like you go through whatever you are going through because from what i've seen you are the most kindest person out there, your hilarious, cute, and down right a good person, and you remind me of someone special to me, thats why I want to help you, that's why I need to help you."

Quackity was quietly sobbing in Karl's chest, as Karl rubbed his back carefully humming softly trying to calm him down. Soon Quackity fell asleep in Karl's arms as Karl sighed and paid for their food and picked Q up bridal style, as he started to walk home.

Tuesday 3:01 p.m.
Karl gently laid Quackity down on his bed pulling the blankets over him and sitting next to him, staring. 'God your so fragile but act so tough' Karl thought and gently brushed Q's midnight black hair out of his eyes. Karl smiled a bit and went to his closet and took out one of his hoodies, and a pair of shorts putting them on the bedside table next to Quackity.

Then Karl took a pice of paper and put it on top of the clothes writing on the note, "You should shower, you can use these clean clothes for now -Karl" Karl hummed as he left the room and hopped on the couch watching TV.

Tuesday 5:47 p.m.
"karl...?" a voice said as Karl was slightly being shaken. Soon Karl opened his eyes rubbing them to see Quackity in his clothes, Karl just blushed as he yawned. "Q-Quackity..?" Karl just asked looking at Q, "s-sorry to wake you but um I-I think-....I-I wanna talk about the noise now..." he said softly playing with his hands even though the sleeves of Karl's hoodie was covering them.

Karl smiled a bit as all his questions and worries will finally get an answer. He sat up and patted a spot next to him, "okay sit down then" Quackity nodded and sat down as he took a long deep breath as he started to regret his decision realizing he never told anyone about what Schlatt was doing let alone some stranger he met 2 days ago.

Karl gently placed a hand on Q's hands as he was picking at his nails and they started to bleed a bit. Quackity snapped out of thought and looked at his slightly bloody nails and Karl's hand rubbing circles on his hand. "I-I'm sorry I-I don't think-.." Quackity whimpered as he pulled his hands away from Karl and tensed up.

Karl just hugged Quackity tight rubbing his back, "Hey it's okay, take your time no one is rushing you here especially me. If your not ready your not ready, don't feel obligated to tell me so soon" Quackity flinched when Karl hugged him as he just sat there tearing up and hugged back, "okay..." he said softly and put his face into Karl's shoulder whimpering a bit.

Karl hummed as he rubbed circles on Quackity's back a bit, "Wanna nap in my room?" Quackity nodded, "please..?" Karl smiled a bit and hummed picking up Quackity. Q squeaked and held onto Karl tightly shaking a bit, Karl frowned and gently placed Q back down, "sorry, are you okay?"

Quackity nodded a bit, "y-ya not use to being picked up" Karl nodded and patted Quackity's head, "Then can I pick you up and take you to my room?" Quackity nodded a bit and smiled as he slightly prepared himself for being picked up once again. Karl picked Q up bridal style in one swift motion and walked to his bed room humming.

Quackity just held onto Karl as he started to think a bit. Karl soon placed Q on his bed and tucked him into the sheets, "Night Q" Karl hummed a bit and left the room. "Night Karl..." Q said softly and smiled a bit as it has been a while since someone said good night to him without being rude about it.

Must have been the Wind [Karlnapity] (Dream SMP)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora