Chapter 30

154 9 4

mention of self harm

Tuesday 10:20 a.m.
Quackity woke up yawning a bit and looked around as both Sapnap and Karl were gone. Quackity sighed and got up, walking over to the restroom to do his business. After that was taken care of he was washing his hands when one of his sleeves rolled back down and got went causing Q to whince slightly as the cold damp sleeve was now pressing up against his fresh cuts. Q then dried his hands and rolled his wet sleeve up to see his cuts slightly. 'Something must be seriously wrong with me...' Q thought as he sighed and went to his room and changed being careful not to have something tight on. Quackity soon got dressed in a grey shirt with a baggy blue sweater on plus some black sweats to be extra comfortable. Then Q walked downstairs and there was still no sign of Karl or Sap.

Quackity sighed a bit as he went to get some cereal for breakfast. "Well looks like they took to the hills, told you, you are unlovable" Schlatt said as he appeared out of no where looking around the house a bit. "Shut up. They didn't abandon me." Quackity huffed angrily as he finished making his cereal and sat down at the table with it, starting to eat it. Schlatt laughed a bit and shrugged as he walked over to Q, "What I wasn't implying it, but since you did mention it-" "Schlatt can you shut up? I don't care what you have to say, they didn't and wouldn't leave me just like that. ESPECIALLY after telling me they love me and kissed me last night." Quackity huffed as he was now just moving the cereal bits around starting to lose his appetite. Schlatt smiled a bit and shrugged, "I am just calling it how I see it" "Just leave me alone" Q sighed glaring at Schlatt which made him slightly laugh, "Ohhhh! Big bad Quackity thinks he scares me! Haha! You really are funny Q, but I do have places to be" Schlatt then faded away which Q just had a sigh of relief as he slightly teared up at the thought of the two just leaving him.

"This sucks" Q muttered slightly as he put his bowl by the sink not finishing it and left to his room. Quackity flopped on his bed and sighed getting under the sheets and closing his eyes to sleep the day away. However he couldn't fall asleep. His mind was being hyperactive especially with what Schlatt had said. Quackity sighed and sat up in his bed staring at his closet door a bit since it was right in front of his bed. Quackity sighed and laid back down as he stared up at the celling. "....I need therapy.." Quackity spoke to himself as he sighed and turned on his side thinking. Q then got up and went to find his phone which was on his desk. Q picked up the phone and sat on his bed before googling nears therapist. Q had to admit he hated the idea of talking to a therapist about his issues and life but he needed help.

He had self harm over rejection, Q could see how stupid that was. He didn't want his issues to ruin the new relationship and he definitely didn't want to tell Karl or Sap he self harmed since he thought he was being rejected. Q sighed as he turned off his phone thinking about his decision to see a therapist. Did he really need to see one? Yes. Quackity sighed and turned on his phone again and booked a appointment for the nearest therapist. Quackity took a breathe as he thought seeing somebody would probably also help with the thoughts that always seem negative. Then he got a text. Quackity looked at his phone and opened messages to see he got a text from Karl. Quackity smiled slightly now he knows they didn't just leave him.

Hey Q! Sorry me and Sapnap left early this morning we have been busy with something and I haven't had a chance to message you! But we should be home soon! Also you should get ready ;) Love u! 💜

Quackity could feel his face slightly heat up but smiled and quickly texted Karl back.

It's ok! and alright, I love you to!

Quackity turned his phone off and went to go find something to wear. He didn't know what he was getting ready for so he decided to go for a mix of causal and formal. He put on some black slacks, a nice dark blue button up, and put on his signature beanie. Quackity looked in the mirror he had and thought the outfit could be better. "mmm missing something.." Q muttered to himself then went through his drawer, and he soon found what he was looking for, gold jewelry. Quackity smiled and clipped on a nice gold color chain to his slacks then wore a couple of rings since he wasn't even sure what they were doing. Then he pulled out a gold frame sunglasses with red lenses and put them on. Quackity looked in the mirror and thought. "mmm okay lose the glasses" he huffed and took the glasses off, tossing them to the side.

Then his eyes fell upon it. His scars on his wrists. Q cursed and sighed as he looked down at his wrist slightly holding them up to stare. He thought for a second wondering what he should do. He didn't want to wear a long sleeve since he thought he looked great without it but he didn't wanna risk Karl or Sap seeing the smei new cuts and ask about it. Q sighed and let his arms fall to his side before looking back at the mirror. All of a sudden he felt disgusted with himself and the feeling of him crawling into bed sounded way better then going out. Quackity sighed and covered his face trying to think what to do. 'I could lie and say I am not feeling well..? No then they would take care of me..'

Quackity sighed and walked to his bed and flopped on it thinking about it. Qackity thought and let out a long sigh before pulling his beanie off and burying his face in it. "Oh Q! You look so cute!" Quackity quickly jolted up and sat on his bed looking at the door way to see Karl. "o-oh yea thank you" Q said as his face flushed with a bit of pink. Karl smiled and walked over to Q giggling and cupped Q's face, "Are you ready for our date?" "Date.?" Q asked blushing more as he stared up at Karl. Karl nodded before planting a kiss on Q's nose, "Yes date silly! Me and Sapnap have to treat you to a date after all!" Quackity smiled a bit, cheeks still tinted pink as he nodded, "oh okay"

Must have been the Wind [Karlnapity] (Dream SMP)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ