Chapter 42

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Friday 2:13 p.m.
"Ummm.." Tubbo said quietly and hid a bit behind Phil, "I don't remember him.." Quackity's smile quickly faded but he forced another back up as he just nodded slightly. "Its okay mate, he is just an old friend who knew you when you were young. Why don't you play with Tommy upstairs?" Phil suggested and Tubbo nodded as he went upstairs dragging Tommy along to. Once the two kids left their sight Quackity broke down crying. Sapnap and Karl quickly rushed to his side to comfort the duck hybrid. Sapnap pulled him in a tight hug and started to rub his back, "Hey its okay Q." Karl just took one of Quackity's hands and rubbed his thumb over it as he cupped Q's face with his own other hand when Sap slightly pulled away from the hug.

"I am so sorry mate" Phil sighed and patted Q's shoulder before leaving the three. Quackity just kept crying, he couldn't believe his own son didn't remember him but this was to be expected. After a few minutes of the two trying to comfort Q, he slightly stepped away from them as he wiped his tears away, "t-thanks guys but I-I think I need to be alone..." Karl and Sapnap both frowned and nodded, "Yea sure thing ducky" Sapnap nodded and left with Karl to see where Phil went to talk. Quackity let out a shaky sigh and went outside for some fresh air. Once outside Quackity sat down on the porch floor and hugged his knees tight.

"So that's where you hid Tubbo all those years ago. I should've known it was probably with Phil." Schlatt huffed and sat by Quackity who just slightly looked over to him. "Yea and what about it?" Q huffed angrily as Schlatt slightly shrug. "Woah chill out, and I mean nothing by it just saying how it always seemed to be you and Soot when it came to friends so the only logical thing is that you would have put MY son with Wilbur and his family." Schlatt said stretching out and laying down on the ground. "You know damn well he is just as much as my son as he was yours" Quackity huffed and slightly kicked Schlatt in the leg. Schlatt rolled his eyes and sat up looking at Q who was looking back, "You can't say he was your son to if he can't even remember you."

Now Schlatt has hit a nerve on Q. Quackity knew Schlatt was wrong, he always was, however Schlatt did make a point. How could Q say Tubbo was his son if Tubbo didn't even remember him? "Go to hell." Quackity spat at Schlatt as he got up from the porch floor and walked away from the house. "Where you going?" Schlatt called out as he just watched Q walk away, to where he didn't know or care. He just knew he upset Q and he was satisfied.

Friday 2:29 p.m.
"Tubbbooooo!" Tommy just whined to his friend who was spaced out. Tubbo snapped out of it and looked at Tommy, "What?" Tommy sighed and went over to Tubbo, "Why are you spaced out once again? We are playing!" Tubbo just slightly shrugged, "I dunno! I can't help but think I know the person Phil introduced me to.." Tommy sighed and sat in front of Tubbo, "How? Is he your dad or something?" Tubbo just shook his head, "What? No! My dad is a goat hybrid like me and he has like this beard or something can't really remember." "If you can't really remember what makes you think he isn't your dad?" Tommy huffed crossing his arms.

Tubbo just shrugged and hugged his bee plush tight, "Well it just doesn't feel right." Tommy sighed and thought, "okay okay... maybe his your brother or something?" Tubbo thought about it and shook his head, "No that doesn't seem right either..." Tommy sighed and laid on the ground arms and legs out like he was a starfish, "Then I give up!" Tubbo just slightly laughed at his friend and laid down slightly next to him staring at the ceiling, "Well if it helps the guy reminds me of my mom." Tommy's head quickly whipped towards Tubbo, "Your mom? But that guy was...a guy!"

Tubbo nodded and shrugged, "I know but he reminds me of my mom, maybe because I called my mom Mama Q and his name started with a Q." Tommy nodded slightly and shrugged, "I guess but its not like I think everyone who's name starts with the letter P is my dad." "I guess but my mom also had wings like he did. But my mom's wings were like a beautiful golden color and not a semi dirty yellow like his wings." Tubbo said as he stretched and looked back at the ceiling. "Wellll maybe they are the same hybrid then? Orrr maybe your mom is a guy? That one kid from daycare you play with has a mom and dad who are girls." Tommy suggested but Tubbo looked back to him confused, "Who are you talking about?... Ranboo??" Tommy just snapped his fingers and nodded, "Yea! That Ranboo kid! He technically has two moms but he calls one of them dad, I think so maybe he is your mom?"

Tubbo shrugged and sat up as Tommy did the same, "Maybe.. I wouldn't mind if he was my Mama Q, he looked nice." Tommy smiled and stood up, "Then lets go find him!" "Wait why?" Tubbo asked as he got up to titling his head a bit. "To tell him your his son duhhhh! Maybe that's why Phil asked if you remember him." Tubbo nodded slightly, "Oh guess that makes sense, oki lets go then!" Tommy smiled and grabbed Tubbo's hand and the two walked downstairs to check if he was still in the home. Once the two saw Phil talking with only Sap and Karl they started to think. "Maybe he left?" Tubbo suggested as Tommy shook his head. "mmm no I think he came with those two guys Phil is talking with... Let's check outside!" Tommy hummed and grabbed Tubbo's hand and rushed to the front door.

Question for all! Should I post 2 stories after I finish this one? Or just post 1? My idea with doing 2 stories at the same time is that if I get bored working on 1 I can switch to the other and just be productive on getting my ideas out! Both stories will be Karlnapity regardless and also come out regardless so, idk what ya'll think?

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