Chapter 38

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Thursday 6:01 p.m.
Quackity sighed slightly but still continued, "Well remember how I took him away from Schlatt and gave him to someone else?" Karl and Sapnap nodded once again looking at each other a bit worriedly before looking back at Q. "Well the person I gave my son to was Wilbur, we were friends and he was the only person I really trusted plus his dad was really good with kids." Q said explaining the relationship with  Wilbur before he continued with the rest of the story, "I haven't seen Wilbur since and today was the first time in like 5 years or something that I have seen him so we talked with each other for a while."

Karl and Sapnap both just nodded but Sapnap asked, "Oh okay but if you two were catching up why were you crying?" Quackity sighed and let go of Sap's hand and sat up straight, not leaning on Karl anymore, "Well I asked about my son and how was he doing and everything and Wilbur told me he is doing well. The reason I started crying was because it finally hit me that my boy grew up without me.. like he probably doesn't even remember me.. God I am such a terrible parent..." Quackity spoke quietly as tears began to well up in his eyes once again thinking about his son. "Oh Q.." Sap said and scooted over to him bringing him in a tight hug.

"For what's it worth I think you are a good parent Q" Karl said as he scooted to the two and hugged both of them. "How do you know..? I abandoned my son and dumped him onto someone else! I mean what kind if parent does that!?" Q huffed angrily at himself before he let out a sorrowful sigh. "I wouldn't say you abandoned him, it was to protect him no? You told us Schlatt was gonna hurt him if you hadn't come home right then in there right?" Sapnap asked as he stared at Q who was looking up at the sky, "ya..." Karl smiled a bit and so did Sap then he continued, "so after that day you left home and gave him to Wilbur to protect him right?" Quackity just nodded once again, "mhm... but I didn't come back for him like I was supposed to!" Karl just kissed Q's cheek and sighed, "Well you couldn't Q, you said Schlatt had found you shortly after you dropped off your son, and he hurt you really bad the safest option was not to go to him so Schlatt didn't find him"

Quackity just nodded and sighed slightly, "mhm..." Karl and Sapnap frowned seeing that Q still really didn't believe the two, "What if you went to see him?" Sapnap asked which made Karl and Q look at him, "What?" both said in unison. "What if we ask Wilbur to let us see your son Q? Then you can see how good your decision was" Sapnap explained as he slightly smiled at Q who looked unsure. "I don't know Sap... he might not even remember me a-and I don't wanna go through hearing him asking who I he is probably happier with Wil and his family, I would just be a stranger to him..." Q said quietly starting to tear up thinking about how much his son has grown and how happy he is now.

"Q that is not true I am sure your son remembers you, but Sap is right you should go see him at least, maybe he does remember you. You never know if you don't try" Karl said and pulled Q into a hug which Quackity hugged back tightly and slightly nodded. "I'll ask Wilbur" Sapnap said and got up going inside leaving the two. "Cmon Q why don't you tell me more about your son?" Karl asked as he kissed Q's forehead and held him close. "okay... Well this one time..."

Thursday 7:14 p.m.
After a while of talking Quackity calmed down and now seemed okay with the idea of seeing his son again. "Better?" Karl asked he smiled at Q who just looked at him before nodding a bit, "ya, thanks Karl. I should at least see him" Karl nodded and stood up reaching out a hand to Q, "Ya! And me and Sap can see how cute your kid is! Now cmon cuz Sap should have been back by now" Quackity laughed slightly and nodded taking Karl's hand as he stood up. Once Q had dusted himself off, Karl and him walked inside to see if they could find the demon hybrid but when they walked inside they were met with people crowding the living room and chanting Sap's and Dream's name.

"You got to be fucking kidding me" Karl huffed upset and made his way to the living. When Karl got to the front he couldn't say he was surprised to see Sapnap and Dream having a drink off seeing who could drink more before some passes out or throws up. "Why does this always happen when we come over with all our friends?" Karl questioned himself and went over to Sap and telling him it's time to take their leave. Quackity had stayed in the back not wanting to make it to the front to see what was going on till he got tapped on the shoulder which lead him to turn around.

"I think your boyfriend got a drinking problem Q, his drinking like it's the end of the world with Dream" Wilbur said watching the scene unfold, Karl trying to get Sap away from the booze and Sap drinking more of the alcohol in protest. "What..? Sap..?" Quackity asked worriedly and thinking of how Sapnap might act with alcohol in his system. Wilbur looked at Q and could clearly see where his thoughts were leading him, "Hey he isn't like Schlatt Q, I heard the last time this happened he just couldn't help but talk about how much he loves Karl before passing out, so I think you will be fine alright?" Quackity just nodded a bit but still looked worried, "yea...ugh now the smell is hitting me" Q said and retreated from the situation into the kitchen with Wilbur following him.

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