Meet the monsters

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(Up top is kalara giant form.)




"Uh... what." Kalara try to turn off the alarm when she fell looking around to see she was in a massive room with a red blinking light. "Where am I" Soon the blinking lights stops along with the alarm too as a large door opened revealing a massive room as she slowly walks out as the door close behind her as she slowly approach a large chair and table.

Suddenly she step on something so she look to see a small metal now broken chair. "What the-" suddenly a tube appeared dropping a bowl and oatmeal along with a spoon. She grab the spoon looking at her reflection remembering what happened.

"Oh man this can't be happening." Suddenly she heard something running from behind immediately she turn trying to see who or what it was as she didn't hurt voices whispering.
"Check it out nee comer."

"A new friend."

"Wow he's huge."
"Uh he's a she."

"Guys its in polite not to introduce our self."

"WHO'S THEIR!" Kalara grib the spoon as she was trying to see who was their. " hello." Kalara slowly turn to the table where she saw a blue beast man.

"So wha-" "KILLER FURRY!!" Kalara started to smash him with the spoon as he the blue furry man dodge until he was hit multiple times until kalara stops

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"So wha-" "KILLER FURRY!!" Kalara started to smash him with the spoon as he the blue furry man dodge until he was hit multiple times until kalara stops. "Oh. By all whoever made you surely went all out *thud* ow.." kalara back away slowly when she slipped on some blue slime.

She removes it as it spoke. "Hi" "Eh! Get off." Kalara threw it on the table as it form. "Oh my legs! Just messing with you." The blue furry got up. "Apology for srcarying you the name is Hank Henry McCoy better know as the beast, and this is Billy."

"He's not much brain well half of 1

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"He's not much brain well half of 1." "Hey I'm smart enough to know... I forgot." Suddenly a teen with red skin, horns and four eyes appeared on kalara face.

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