Battle for Earth

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Alien ship

Izuku slowly waking up looking around until he spot kalara not moving immediately he ran over. "Kalara. Kalara." She wasn't waking up no responding.

" She wasn't waking up no responding

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"FUCK! THAT HURT!" Izuku hug her. "Thank God your alive I wouldn't do without you you're like the only person I liked and ryuko because she's takes things seriously." Soon the doors opened revealing a robot. "Greetings earthlings I am Ultroma."

Kalara and izuku ran towards them but were cage by a energy cell. "Nice try I know you might try that so I took the precaution." Kalara punch it but did nothing. "As I said you cannot escape this cell it was designed to house powerful Warriors like your-"

 "As I said you cannot escape this cell it was designed to house powerful Warriors like your-"

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"Errors have been made!" Ultroma flew off screaming.

The two ran after him as all the doors close but kalara smash through them as izuku hold on as they were getting close until they were trapped again kalara immediately started to break free but suddenly she started to feel weak as all the quantonium in her body was drain out of her as izuku fell as he fill his body losing energy.

Soon the trap opened up as the two slowly recovered izuku looks over to kalara who was normal size now as someone walks over to them as Ultroma bows before them. "Lord titmax we have drain the quantonium and also some DNA from the other one."

"Good now let us proceed on the next phase of our plans." Suddenly a large mechanical arm with a syringe was stab into titmax arm getting some blue blood as it disappears. "Lord titmax shall I terminate the Earthlings." "No I feel generous we shall spare them they'll be used for are gladiatory pits once we conquer this planet." Titmax caught kalara and izuku fists before slamming them into each other before kicking them back.

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