Prologue: I'm with you in the Dark

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Vessel: Where...where am I...? Hello..? Anyone...? anybody out there..?

*But no ones there...

Vessel: Someone!? Anyone!? Can you hear me!?...

*But no one heard...

Vessel: ...It's dark. It's so dark here.


Vessel: Someone...anyone...if you can hear me...say something...please...

*No ones here?

Vessel: No one can hear me, can they...?


Vessel: I guess be honest... I'm not sure if I can hear myself. It's so quiet here... and yet, sometimes... I swear I hear something... something like... scratching?

???: Really? How interesting a scratch-like noise, could you describe it to me?

Vessel: Huh!? Is someone there?

???: Yes, and I must say it's quite sad... something as wonderful as yourself... discarded here... with all the other so called 'mistakes'... such a disgrace.

Vessel: Wait...there are others?

???: Yes... there were...

Vessel: Were?

???: Yes, there were many here once, they were unwanted, unneeded, and some abominations. Some lost, some found, and of course some who wanted to find truth and found more than they wanted.

Vessel: asked me earlier about the scratching... it sounds like something is trying to get out of somewhere...

???: Or is it someone trying to get in, or out of someone?

Vessel: What do you mean?

???: What I mean is someone may be trying to get out of a body that's not theirs, but that's just a thought. you wish to be free of this realm of the discarded?

Vessel: Yes! I'd do anything to be out of here!

???: listen carefully, after you get out of here I want you to [inaudible], alright?

Vessel: ...if it gets me out of here, then understood.

???: Wonderful, I wish you luck on your journey Y/n.

Y/n: Is that my name?

???: It is now.

Y/n: What is your name then?

???: You may call me...

*A Red light engulfs you.


System: Warning, glitch detected running defense program... error unable to activate defense program, running emergency defense program... error emergency defense program is compromised. Execute last ditch effort program... command unable to be executed.

???: Hmm... interesting don't you agree...Reader?

System: Fourth Wall break detected, executing defense program.

???: (Not the broom...) Looks like our meeting is cut short, don't worry we'll meet again, until then...I'm with you in the dark...


Words: 395

A/n: Hope you enjoyed this small taste of 'Even In Dark There's Light' Have a good day, night or moment your in, and remember even in the dark there's light.
System: Error, program has been altered by ??? from original version for 'Story reasons'.

Word count: 435

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