13 | first time

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" perdant "

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" perdant "

"mike? you awake?" mike's mother called out as she was walking up the stairs.

shit. he thought to himself. fuck. fuck.

the pretty ginger girl slept peacefully aside him. a hair tie had fallen or had broken, out of one of her braids, which had caused it to almost completely fall out of its braided-pattern. but he had no time to admire her, he moved over her carefully, before grabbing an extra blanket he had sitting at the bottom of his bed. then slidded an extra pillow from under max's head, for she had two under her.


he threw them on the floor, making a messy-floor bed, as if that's where he slept, he sat on the floor, making it look like he was just woken up from that direct spot. his hair was going every direction it wasn't supposed to due to bedhead, but did he pay attention? no.

karen opened the door, surprised to see the sleeping maxine in her sons bed. of course, seeing any girl in your sons bed would be alarming. but it was max.


"we couldn't sleep from the storm last night." he lied through his teeth. "we stayed up talking, i didn't realize how late it had gotten." he said, rubbing his fake sleepy eyes.

karen nodding a bit before continuing, lowering her voice to make sure max doesn't wake up.

"what i was going to say is that i left some breakfast in the fridge, you just have to heat it up. your father is working, and i'm taking holly to the arcade for the day. are you alright here alone?" she asked.

"yeah, we'll be fine. promise." he said, eager for her to leave. god this was awkward.

karen nodded, almost closing the door behind her but leaving it at least three inches open.

max opened her eyes, her ginger lashes almost touching her eyebrows.

"mike?" she questioned, "why are you on the floor?"

"mom decided to check in." he said, standing up to put the blankets back on the bed, "good news is we're home alone all day." he said, honestly in relief. "any plans?"

"you got a cig?" she asked, and mike was amused, for she had barely opened her eyes and already craving nicotine.

"no, dingus, you've got some in your room, go get them." he said, looking through his small closet to put on a fresh pare of clothes.

"i'm tired, will you get it for me? because you're just so nice to me." she teased.

"max, you're cute, but i'll never support your cigarette addiction." he said, half smiling.

"buzz kill." she joked, standing up. mike hardly noticed. she disappeared from the room only to come back with a lighter and a cigarette in hand. "don't know until you try, right?"

"maxine." he said, jokingly reaching for it, trying to steal it out from her grasp.

"michael." she spoke back, giving him a fake attitude.
she sat down on his bed, lighting the cig. him, sitting beside her now.

she took a drag, leaning over. for a quick second, mike thought max was about to kiss him, but the moment he became face to face with her, his eyes were clouded with thick smoke. he scrunched his nose, and waved away some of the smoke from his face.

"they smell so gross."

"you smell so gross, idiot." she said, taking an other drag. she blew it in the opposite direction this time.

"you're going to make all my clothes smelly."

"we've gone over this, you're clothes are already smelly." she replied. he rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed. though he wasn't. maxine has gotten a lot less irritable. opened a window before sitting back down beside her. hoping the smell would eventually leave.

max laid down on the bed, cig still lit in her hand. "i know you want some." she said in a sing-song voice, waving the line of smoke towards him. mike took it from her hand, only to see her happy for a moment.

he took it between his finger tips, taking a drag, but instead of inhaling, he leaned down over her freckled face, and blew the smoke into her mouth. she inhaled, letting the buzz go through her body.

"dude, that was hot." she said, almost as if she was joking. she wasn't. she sat up, taking the cig back, and tapping it against his night stand, letting the dead ashes spead on the tabletop.

"i swear to god max, if you burn my house down, i will convince your parents to take you to rehab."

"oh no not rehab." she said, taking yet an other drag. "how will i ever survive in rehab." she continued being her most lovable, sarcastic self.

max put the cigarette out on her hand, she didn't flinch, it didn't burn. though, mikes eyes widened in concern. she laid it on the nightstand.

"how's your arm by the way?" he asked, referring to the injury she received falling off her board. she looked to her arm, and back up, shrugging.

"it doesn't hurt anymore, thanks to dr. wheeler." she said, giving him a small grin.

"oh yeah. i forgot you own me 20$." he said, looking over to her.

"for what?" she almost exclaimed.

"hey, you don't have good insurance, and doctors still need to be payed." he said, smiling.

"well little did you know, im a sex worker, and you owe me 50$, it's 25$ a night if you were wondering." max said. mike's smile dropped.

"nah, we're even." mike said, continuing the joke.

max leaned forward, rolling over to resting her head on his covered legs. "you knew you were my first time right?"
mikes heart nearly jumped out of his chest. he didn't really had time to connect the dots, but it made sense why lucas was so god damn upset now.

"if i knew that, i probably would have been a bit more gentle." he spoke, looking down at the redhead in his lap. he brushed a strand of her waved hair from her face, half of it still being braided the the other half completely loose. she never cared to fix it. he thought about how pretty she looked with her hair down, not that she's not pretty any other time, but he admired her pretty hair. though, he also enjoyed seeing her face clearly.

"i enjoyed it, regardless." she said, her eyes almost seemed to sparkle to him. as stupid as that sounds. "besides, first times are never good. not that it wasn't but you know, certain circumstances."

he nodded, "my first time was with jane, and god it was awful. i had no idea what i was even doing." he admitted. "and obviously— jane didn't either. i honestly wish i would have waited a bit longer. i was only 15."

"that's not that bad, billy lost it at 13, to some girl that was years older than him. that was a gross encounter. probably why he's into older woman now." she said.

"oh, gross." mike winced.
max lifted her head up, sitting all the way up.

"i'm going to go shower, later loser." she said, standing up now and walking out of the room. he watched as her tangled hair bounced with every step. jesus, she looked silly. but of course, mike wheeler couldn't not think she's attractive in every form. weather if it was five minutes after she's woken up, or ten minutes before she was going to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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