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october 31st, 4:42 am.
mike couldn't hide from the tears streaming down his face. he stood in horror watching the lifeless body being zipped up into a black body bag, and being carried off onto a stretcher.
traumatized was an understatement.

"no, this cannot be happening." he practically whispered.

the man, standing at around 6 foot, taller than mike. was speaking to him, but mike couldn't pay attention to his words. for he was at loss of them.

"i said, what happened?" the officer repeated himself to the horrified boy.

his wide, brown, teary eyes met the police officer's, as the flashing red and blue police lights hit the right side of his salty face.

october 26th, 2:30 pm.

"i feel bad for being such an asshole to her but honestly, i don't know how to act around her, it's weird. did you ever feel that way around max?" the raven haired boy asked, leaning against his locker. he confided in his friend, lucas. lucas was packing his bag to start walking home.

"i don't know, dude. i try to block that whole relationship out of my mind." he said. and he really meant it. after max and lucas had a deep break up, things seemed to really fall apart. "do you think you actually are into jane, or is this just one of your little hyper-fixations?" he asked, as he stood maybe an inch taller than mike. wasn't that noticeable.

"i think i, actually like her. i don't know what it is about her that's fascinating, but it draws me in? does that make sense?"

"totally. you've got a crush!" lucas said, patting his shoulder as they walked out of the building. they lived somewhat close together, so walking home together wasn't anything different than what they normally do.

"i've been an asshole to her all day, i even pulled her hair once." he admitted.

"you act like a preschooler in love, so childish. just talk to her! i'll be your wing man." lucas said. they walked through the school parking lot now, heading over to cross the street.

"shut up, i do not. i've only known her for what? a day? i'm not in love with her. and i don't need a wing man." he said, squinting the sun out of his eyes.

"fine, if you say so." lucas spoke, as they crossed the street onto the side walk.

mike stopped in his tracks, remembering his plans. he wanted to smack himself in the head for forgetting. of course. it's wednesday. he thought to himself.

"listen, i'm going to find her now, alright? you don't mind walking alone right?" mike wheeler asked his friend.

"i don't care, also don't forget about halloween coming up. my party is going to be awesome." he said, looking over his shoulder, as mike was still stopped.

"oh right, i won't forget, promise!" he yelled, lucas drifting further ways he continued to walk. mike spun around walking the opposite direction.

for, mike wasn't going to look for jane. god, he hated lying to his friend, but it was normal by now. it was for the best. lucas would actually lose his mind if he found out were mike was headed.

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