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october 31st, 4:54 am
lucas gripped the back of his neck, he was sweating.

"lucas, you need to clam down." mike said.

"i won't calm down! i didn't even get a chance to make things right!" lucas said, over mike.

"she just left me behind! what am i suppose to do?! she's gone!" he paused. turning to look at him, "i can't believe those were my last words to her." he said, his heart breaking in the process.

october 30th, 8:03 pm
there was an endless amount of drinks, some in the hands of underage teens, and some sitting alone on tables, forgotten about, and others left on the ground, waiting for someone to trip over them. will was almost a victim of this. but thankfully, he paid attention to his steps.

as for the people dancing and drunk swaying to the loud music, they reminded will of the beer bottles laying around; empty and useless.

mostly everyone there was intoxicated in some form, there was mutual friends sharing a blunt in the corner. older guys showing already intoxicated girls how to hit a bong. alcohol dripping down lucas's chin as he continue to down his shots on the counter. and of course, max showing up to the party a late, as always.

people clustered in certain places, making it a bit hard to get around the house. some were talking, but most were dancing and drinking. there was a couple making out against the couches, probably more behind closed bedroom doors. lucas gave up on trying to keep people out, he decided against setting house boundaries after his third beer.

an occasional drunk person would walk into will, slurring apologies, and complementing something about will's appearance in general, before stumbling through the rest of the house. many people asking where the bathrooms were, alcohol causing reddened faces and teens having to use to bathroom every 15 to 20 minutes, as their livers tried their very hardest to push the toxins from their bodies.

lucas insisted everyone on being inside, he didn't want too much commotion on the outside of the house due to snitching neighbors, and attention from the police.

for, it was the night before halloween.

dustin was sitting on the couch, of course he showed up. lucas being the one who invited him in the first place. he was smoking a joint passing it back and forth between him, and his girlfriend suzie. she had dark brown hair, and glasses resting on her nose. her hair was curled, but left in pigtails. lucas thought about how he genuinely believed the girl was made up. for how highly dustin speaks about her.

lucas couldn't help but feel happy for his friend, as he seemed to be happy in his newer relationship.

will pushed passed many intoxicated teens, dancing til they'll pass out from heat exhaustion. will never really liked parties. and didn't really know how to act during them, either. as stated previously, will is an observer. not that he doesn't know how to have fun, but when it comes down to him socializing in a group of unknown, drunk teenagers? yeah, no.

he wore jeans, and a black button up that day. it was a colder day in october, yet the house heated up fast, causing will to sweat a bit.
he'd better get a drink.

will reached the counter, where he had seen lucas previously doing shots.

"beer?" he heard from behind him, barely, for it was covered by loud music.

"yeah sure." will said, turning and lucas handing him the beverage.

"can we talk for a moment?" he asked. will lightly nodded, walking him into the slightly quieter dining room.

"what's wrong?"

"nothing, man, i just want to say sorry. for now things have been going." will could smell the alcohol in lucas's breath as he spoke.

"you shouldn't be saying sorry to me." will said. he thought about that night in june. it was max he should apologize to.

"and i will get there, but for now i need you to know that i want to make things right." he said. will letting out a breath. he thought about how forceful lucas was speaking.

"i don't owe you forgiveness, lucas."

"you're right you don't, but you don't have to be an asshole about it." lucas said, looking down to his former friend.

"i'm not being an asshole. we're not kids anymore, you can't just hand me beer and expect me to be your friend again. after i stayed up til four am consoling you're girlfriend."

"enough." lucas said, aggressively. "you don't understand what i was going through! and you didn't care to know!" he said.

"i'm sorry you were having a hard time, but that doesn't excuse your actions, and neither is alcohol." will said.

"oh right, because you don't make mistakes! i'm coming to you about something important to me and you're just blowing it off."

"if i was blowing you off i wouldn't be standing here! you're drunk, and i'd enjoy continuing this conversation when you're sober." will said, about to walk away.

"fuck off, will. enjoy the party with no friends." lucas said, storming off.

he was so filled with rage he didn't want to speak to max anymore.

and surely enough, max didn't want to speak with him. her mind was foggy, out of place. she left like her soul had escaped from her body, leaving a shell of numbness coating her skin. she felt fine, better than fine, honestly.

mikes hands were around jane's waist. they laid in an unfamiliar bed. they shared long kisses between the two of them, alcohol tasting lips lingered.

lucas walked back to the party. his face felt hot from anger, his upset mindset stayed in place no matter how many shots he took to forget it.
there was nothing to be done now, other than to distract himself.

thoughts?? — sadie

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