Chapter 4: City of Lights

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Silver and Irwin stared blankly at what they saw before them in their hotel room.

Y/N had a second pokemon with him.

"Oh hey Silver! You have any extra pokeballs on you? I've never bought any and the mart was closed."

Shock finally took over Silver's face. "Y-you have another pokemon?" He asked rhetorically, trying to convince himself this wasn't real.

"Yeah? What's up?"

Silver wanted to scream in that moment. Calming himself down, he tossed his bag at Y/N. "Should be in the back pocket."

"Hey thanks!"

Silver shook his head before taking a seat on the couch and grabbing the tv remote. "If you plan on catching more then you should probably get a new pokedex."

Turning on the news, a reporter was currently on site.

"Hello people, I am currently on James St. where the fighting took place." Y/N froze in his spot after letting Monsoon out of her new ball.

"Hmm? A fight?" Silver leaned in, paying attention.

"Eyewitnesses state that a man in his early twenties and wearing a dark blue zip up hoodie, a red t-shirt and black jeans apprehended a loose Froakie." The reporter explained and glanced behind him. "As you can see, James St. is a mess right now."

Sweat dripped down Y/N's face as he felt Silver glaring a hole through his back. "Could've been anyone."

"Eyewitnesses also report that the man's Typhlosion had white flames and nearly burned down everything in a 30m radius."

Judas whistled in the corner, trying to act innocent.

"Froa. (Don't play coy.)"

"Gattor. (You ain't foolin' anyone mate.)"

Silver's eyes bored into Y/N.

"O-okay, that narrows it down a lot, BUT-"

"With the descriptions of the man's looks, many of the eyewitnesses believed it was Y/N, Pokemon Master and current Champion of Johto."

The colour from Y/N's face drained as Silver began approaching him menacingly.

The colour from Y/N's face drained as Silver began approaching him menacingly

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"U-uhm...O-OH MY ARCEUS!? I-IT'S MY LOnG lOSt bRoTHEr!?"



Meanwhile, in a different hotel room.

"That reckless idiot! What was he thinking!?" Kris screamed.

Red and Kris had arrived much quicker than the boys did since Red's Charizard was large enough to carry two people.

A small smile came to Red's face as she watched the broadcast. She had so much she wanted to tell him, and he was so close.

Closer than she thought. But seriously, what are the chances that they got rooms in the exact same hotel that just so happened to be next to eachother?

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