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Sicheng himself is not really sure as to why the family decided to celebrate his birthday in such a grand fashion. It was like this day was predicted by the shaman for an auspicious gathering time. Heck the day is not even about him.

Xuxi would often say that it was the perfect weather for the aunties to be dripping in silks and furs; to not be annoyed at the constant clangs of their jewelleries against their velvets or cashmeres in winter had he been born in the later months of the year. For the uncles to bust out their most recent wristwatch which could probably end some family's debt. Xuxi was right. But most importantly, it was the day Sicheng's mother could proudly wear the family's heirloom of a set of rubies on her ears and on her ring finger; replacing the wedding band of emerald. Mother Dong was never fond of emeralds. She hated her wedding band even more so.

As more guests arrived at the house, as the fleet of little families poured in from the giant oakwood doors carved with peacocks and elephants, a fresh look from dragons and pandas; courtesy of Mr.Dong, Sicheng often wonders if their family would become the family of generational wealth. He wondered, if they could even make it that far. None of his siblings were foolish to squander money away; he hopes but then again none of his siblings had the wisdom to lead a family of generational wealth either. No one just randomly pops out into generational wealth. With his oldest brother belting numerable unsuccessful business ventures and his sister's vehement refusal of ever helping said brother what little hope remained in his heart that his brother be successful died. Maybe the twins could do it, he reassures himself. The twins Dong Yanlei and Dong Xiaofei, identical down to their ego and their faces; yet trying so hard to be different, to be the bolder one of the lot, an exhausting competition with no ends. Confident in their abilities and experience. They could do it. They are the reliable ones of the sibling. They got this

A sudden realisation dawned upon him; or rather, creeped up and latched itself into his heart. It hit him with a pang, a tiny bullet lodged itself further  in his heart again upon realising that all the while thinking about wealth and their not yet existing grand children and other such generations to come, Sicheng didn't consider himself to be part of his family. Did he ever, for a moment stop his train of thoughts, to interrupt himself to reassure the chaos within I'm here, I'll be the one

And just like that a little bit of Sicheng dies again.

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