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From a very young age, Sicheng was aware of his father's infidelity, as he grew older he understands his father's impulses to chase women around. He had been sympathetic when it comes to his father.

His mother was so suffocating
was she really?

And his father?
He was simply saving their marriage by running away, seeking pleasure and refuge on other women. Women who were not his wife, women who dropped down for him. Women, men anyone who was not her.

Was it really like that? Was his father really doing this for the sake of his family? Both son and father's only bond was over the suffocation of Mrs.Dong, Sicheng had little clues as to what his father does outside of their home, he was blissfully unaware of his father's bisexuality. Sicheng wouldn't mind seeing a mistress in the house even, someone who would challenge her mother's superiority. Someone else who would try to win.

Sicheng had little tingles running down his body at the thought of it.

Had Sicheng known of his father chasing young masters not misses would he still understand his father?

Sicheng had to find the first bathroom, he felt like throwing up. He could feel the meal he had earlier rocking a violent storm on his insides, bubbling up and clawing up at his throat; threatening to spill out, he felt nauseaous. With one loud thud he had his face into the toilet bowl, emptying his insides, jerking so violently. His father had brought a mistress alright, one that wears a tux, who looked like he was the same age as Sicheng, who smiles a toothy smile, who resembled Sicheng so much that the moment he saw his father cup his cheeks, whispering something in his ear and the way the tips of his ears going red. Sicheng had never  felt fear and disgust thundering over him like at that very moment his father and he made eye contact. That man was not his father. That man was no longer his father.

That man was never his father to begin with.

What kind of a father would show up with a boyfriend who looked like his son in so many aspects?

Sicheng did everything in his power to avoid his father and his lover the entirety of the night. Pretending not to see the young man approaching him, running away in hallways; disappearing in the walls.

'Wait!' The man said, grabbing Sicheng by his cuffs, panting slightly. Sicheng looked at him like he was going to drop dead any second.
'What?' He asked, confused
Sicheng thought, he remained quiet. As the man stood up fixed himself and stretched out his hand, offering for a shake Sicheng shook his hand, willingly, pulled him close and whispered just like how his father "You and I we look alike, we are really alike don't you think so?" Sicheng smiled as shock plastered the man's face "Run along to your husband" Sicheng added, walking off.

The young man fell on the ground, dumbstruck as he instinctively hid his ring. The same gold band with emerald. The same emrald his mother hated so much.

Now Sicheng knows why.

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