Chapter 11

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That ringing was starting to work on my damn nerves. It's the second time me and Anneline has been interrupted. To make matters worse, both times has been from the same person; her husband.

I'm not mad at her of course, I'm mad that he somehow tends to call at the wrong time as if he could sense what she was up to.

Currently, she was in another room talking to him over the phone, her voice raising every now and then. I wanted to listen to their conversation but decided against it. Although, a few words did make it's way in my ear when Anneline raised her voice.

Questions like:

'What do you mean sudden notice?'

'How long will you be gone?'

'Why couldn't you text me before hand?'

A few slurs also escaped from the room:

'Fuck you!'



The bullshit part I'll agree on, who gets a sudden notice for a business trip the same day they need to leave? You'll need to get a notice at least a week before you were needed to go.

It's either he didn't want to go to their trip, or he genuinely needed to go for business related things.

Right now I'm in the kitchen looking at the orange juice that I poured for Anneline. There was nothing particularly interesting about the glass of juice, I just found myself staring at it while waiting for Anneline's call to end and trying not to let junior me stir up.

The moment Anneline arrived, I was on edge. I wasn't nervous of her, but rather I didn't want her to discover that I had a dick in my pants and it was semi-hard, not that she could tell.
When her lips smashed on mine, I was shocked but kissed her back. And let's just say that having her suddenly show and pull in for a kiss... I didn't have time to mentally prepare myself.
I was wearing a oversized shirt so in a way it hid what was going on down there. She was also clueless about the fact that I was actually intersex and not just stuck with 'female anatomy'.

Anneline didn't know it, but she had me wrapped around her finger the day I laid my eyes on her for the first time. She was drunk back then so I doubt she'll remember her actions. I didn't bother telling her either because I didn't want her to feel embarrassed about it.

That night, she was in a black pencil skirt and white blouse with her hair in a messy bun. Her clothes were hugging her body tightly, revealing all her curves. To put it simply, she looked astounding. Even though she may have seemed quite disheveled because of the long night, she looked quite cute as well.

Her cheeks were tinted pink because of the alcohol making her sky blue eyes quite vibrant. A few strands of her brown hair made their way on her face but it seemed to highlight her features, making her look pure and innocent.

When she stumbled into me and made eye contact, I lost it. She caressed my cheek and mumbled something under her breath. The way she looked at me in a drunk like state, it send shivers down my spine. I fell in a trance when I looked in those eyes. But that gaze broke when she pushed me away and started puking. Of course, being the gentlewomen that I am, I helped her by buying her some medication.

When she felt a tad bit better, I decided to take her home. She was reluctant at first but eventually I convinced her. And in anycase, she was way to drunk to drive and would've hit the hay at the wheel. When we arrived at her apartment, I had to carry her. She could barely walk at the time and her eyes were fighting to stay open. Anneline didn't want me to carry her but gave in.

When her head hit my shoulder, she allowed sleep to take over her. I couldn't help but stare at her for a moment. Her eyelashes were so long and her cheeks darker with the shade of pink. I looked down at her lips that were painted with a light glossy lipstick, they looked succulent.

It made me wonder, what would those lips would taste like?

To make things short, I met her husband when I gave her over to him. I lied and said that I was a newly made friend she met at the restaurant, he gave her number and I was on my way.

From then on I made it my mission to see her.

A little bit later, Anneline arrived back at the kitchen. She caught me staring at the glass of juice and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine, what'd Cameron say?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Well, the assh- I mean he says that he doesn't know how long he'll be gone for. The longest is probably two weeks." She replies and gets back up on the counter. She takes her glass and takes a sip of her juice.

"I see." I replied.

It was a simple answer but inside I was jumping for joy. I got to spend two or more weeks with her, without interruption.


Seeing as though Cameron would be gone for who-knows-how-long, he wouldn't phone and ask what time she'll be home. He would most likely send a text every now and then to ask how she was. But I doubt he would be doing that for the next few days because Anneline went all out when they were on the phone.

I made a mental note to remind her to put her phone on silent, even though there is a less likely chance that he'd phone, I wasn't taking any chances. God knows I'd lose it.

"So, what do you want to do for the day?" I question.

"Well, you look all dressed up. What we're your plans for the day?" She asked.

"Oh, I was actually planning on drinking the whole day because I thought I wouldn't have been able to see you for the next few weeks. I've become so easily attached to you to the point I wanted to drown in my sorrows, sorrows that I myself don't quite understand yet."

Is what I would've said.

"Nothing much really, I was just planning on going back to that café we talked at. I thought about buying a few pastries." I reply instead.

It's not a lie though, I was actually planning on going there.

"Then lets go." She cheered.

I pulled her in for another kiss and felt her mewl with my sudden touch. She cupped my cheeks with her soft hands and licked my lower lip for access. I smiled and pecked her nose.

"As much as I like your guts, I don't think we'll be making it to the café if we continue." I tell her.

I don't want it to look like I'm just trying to get in her pants, or rather underneath her skirt seeing as though she is currently wearing one. I want to get to know her better and want her consent.

Yes, I've caught her staring at me multiple times with her eyes undressing me.

How do I know this?

Her innocent face can't hide what she's thinking. She starts blushing like crazy whenever she's deep in thought.

Like right now, she's blushing yet again when I told her that we shouldn't be going any further. And as much as I would like to 'do it' with her, I'd rather take my time building up what we have. And it's not just about wanting to have sex with her, I just genuinely want to get to know her better. Even during the short time we've spent together, she makes me feel things I haven't felt before and makes me have thoughts I'd never think about.

Like I said, this women has me wrapped around her finger.

"Fine, let's go." She says hastily, jumping off the counter and making her way to the door.

She's so adorable.

A/N :sorry for any spelling errors:')

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