Chapter 17

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"When's he coming back?" Violetta asked.

"Don't know. Probably in a week?" I replied.

"I see."

We were in the living room, on the couch. I was straddling Violetta as she layed her head on my chest. My hands were trailing along her hair and scalp.

"Are you worried about your friend?" She questioned.

"Not really, she won't blab it out. I'm grateful for that, gives me more time to time to think about all this." I say.

I felt her grip tighten around my waist. I lay my head on hers and continued stroking her hair.

After a minute of silence, I finally decide to ask Violetta something.

"What do you want to happen? To us, I mean."

She lifted her head from my chest and caught my eyes with hers.

"Well, the obvious would be to end things off between us," She muttered.

When she said, I felt a sting in my chest.

I don't want to end this.

"But," she continued, "we both know we don't want that. Question is, what are you gonna do about it?"


"I don't want an answer, contact me when you figure it out." She stated.

"What?" I asked.

What does she mean contact her when I figure things out?

She cupped my cheeks and placed her lips on my forehead with a peck.

"I won't be home for the next few days, I have to help my dad. My work just piled up while I was absent." She replied.

"I-I see."

She gave me one more longing kiss before she was out by the door.

I stared at her back as she trailed to her car.

"I don't want an answer, contact me when you figure it out."

Figure it out she says...

This isn't exactly a problem that needs a simple solution to get fixed. It's a messy situation that needs to be solved thoroughly. It's so stressful having everything layed out in front of you but can't figure it out. Not only that, but it's like I have the last say in this even though Violetta is involved, and not to mention Cameron as well. He's completely clueless about this, but I have the ability to change that and so does Cindy but she chose not to intervene.

This is so damn stressful. I can't keep Cameron and Violetta in my life. Going back and forth between the two is just not it. And as Violetta said, the obvious would be to end things off between us but I don't want that.

Am I willing to end things off with Cameron...?


Damn it! I'm just going in and endless loop!

I quickly went to my room and wore a black sweatpants and white T-shirt with a pair of black sneakers. I put my hair in a bun and sprayed on a bit of deoderant. After that I was out by the door and rushed to my car.


When I arrived at the supermarket, I grabbed a trolley and started looking for the wine section. I walked through a few other aisles and grabbed a few snacks.


I turn to see that it's David.

"David, hi!" I greet with a smile.

"Hey, how you been?" He asked as he gave me a friendly hug.

"I've been good and yourself?" I question.

"Well," he shrugs off, "I've been good, just relationship problems, you know?"

"Your boyfriend still didn't tell his parents that his gay?" I stated with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup, it's been a whole year and I still don't get why he still wants to keep our relationship a secret. I mean, I know it's hard coming out of the closet and all. But it's hard for me as well. I want to hold his hand so badly or just show affection out in public but we can't do that 'cause he's scared that someone might see us..." He trailed off.


It hurt my heart to see David hurt. He may look intimidating by his bulky build and all but he's an absolute sweetheart and is just a giant teddy bear. He was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on as well when I was just simply going through work related stress.

"In anycase, aren't you supposed to be on a holiday?" He asked.

I knew he was avoiding the topic, I guess he didn't want to talk about it.

But he confused me with his question. He's Cameron's co-worker,isn't he supposed to know that Cameron is on a bussines trip?

"Well, you don't remember? He's on a bussines trip. They called him last minute." I replied.

David scrunched up his face with confusion.

"Business trip? Anneline,Cameron wasn't assigned to a trip."


A knot formed in my stomach with his words.

"W-what? What do you mean he wasn't? H-he rushed out without giving me a proper explanation and simply said he was assigned to a bussines trip." I stammered.

"Anneline, Cameron hasn't been to work for a couple of weeks now. He left without giving a notice that'd he'd be gone. I assumed you guys were going through a couple stuff so..."

His words trailed off as I took in the information.

Cameron hasn't been to work for a couple weeks?

He wasn't assigned to a bussines trip?

"Hey David." I cut him off.

"Yes?" He said in a questioning tone, he's blue eyes perking up.

"By any chance, one or two weeks ago on a Saturday, did you and Cameron hangout?"

I felt my voice waver as I asked that question, I didn't want to know the answer cause I was scared I wouldn't like it.

David squinted his eyes as he went in deep into thought.

"No, I haven't seen him since work, no less on a weekend."

So he didn't hangout with David?

When I asked him at first, he told me that he was busy working. I basically had to force the truth out of him. Or if I didn't ask him if he actually went out drinking, he'd say that he was in fact busy with work. Wich of course was a total lie.


Why wasn't he at work?

David said he hasn't been to work for a couple weeks now, so does that mean all that overtime shifts were lies as well?

"Anneline, you okay?" David asked with a concerned expression.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said with a small smile, but I knew it didn't reach my eyes.

Just where the hell has he been and what exactly has he been up to?

A/N : sorry for not updating for a while,;-; i was hooked on reading manga :')

(To those who forgot who David is, He's the guy that called Anneline when Cameron fainted, refer to chap 2)

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