Chapter 23

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"You have to be shitting me." My dad blabs out as he places his now empty glass on his mahogany desk.

Currently I was at his house inside his office.

"Just what the hell have you been up to?" He questions with a scrunched up face, his grey eyebrows almost touching each other.

"I-I'm not gonna repeat myself." I manage to stammer out.

I look to his bookshelves that were covered in books, not a space intact to slip another one in. For some reason, even after 10 years, I now only find some of the titles interesting. I never bothered going through any of them. I always considered them as mere decoration to make his office look fancy and not empty.

He had books about Greek mythology, a shelf full of history books about philosophers and the rest was business related stuff.

"Vee." He calls out.

"Yes." I reply.

I continue looking at the books, scanning and counting as much as I can.


"I can hear you loud and clear." I mumble, still avoiding eye contact.

"Violetta Chekov."

I immediately turn my head and look my dad father directly in the eye.

He gets up and walks over to a cabinet containing glasses and huge bottles of whiskey.

"So tell me exactly, how the hell your life became a drama? From start to finish." He says, emphasizing the "from start to finish" part.

"Well," I started off, taking a deep breath in and out. "I-met-Anneline-in a-alleyway-when-she-got-a-little-to- drunk-I-took-her-home-cause-I-was- afraid-she-would-fall-asleep-at-the- wheel-we-started-of-as-friends-and eventually-we-may-or-may-not-have- had-taken-things-too-far-to-be- considered-as-friends-wich-then-resulted-us-"

"Just stop." My dad cut me off.

"First of all, I do not want to be informed about your sex life and how far you took it. Secondly, I do not want to be involved in any of this shit. You sort it out." He said with a pointed look.

"But I thought you wanted too know from start to finish." I incline innocently.

"Not about your sex life! Jesus, this is the worst shit you pulled so far!" He protests as he poured whiskey into his glass.

"Dad, I know, but c'mon. I'm serious about her."

"You're not a teenager anymore Vee. Whatever you decide to do with your life is all up to you, you don't need my approval. If you want that women, make her yours." He says as he takes a sip from his glass and seats himself down on his leather chair.


"Dad, that's the most sweetest and corniest shit you ever said to me." I imply.

He simply gives me a look of disgust and continues on with signing papers and reading documents scattered on his desk.

No really, I honestly expected him to lose his shit and rant about how irresponsible I was. Yet there he was, telling me to go forth for what I plan to do. Not that I wouldn't have not done it even if he disagreed, it's just surprising to me that he's so calm about this let alone supportive!

"I just don't want you to make the same mistake as me." He says.


He shakes his head and a look of regret etched on his face.

"Nevermind. Anyways, I have work to do."

"Oh, well see you in a couple days." I say as I make my way to the door.

I close it behind me and lean against it processing what exactly just happend.


What was he reffering to?

Did he regret divorcing my mom?

But that's impossible. Both of them told me they were divorcing because their feelings weren't mutual. It wasn't because they hated each other and reassured me that I wasn't the cause either. Looking back, they always seemed so in love. I don't exactly know how to put it, but when I was still a child, they always acted lovey dovey with one another. They always said the words 'I love you' to the point where it became a habit, a routine. There wasn't a day that went by without them saying those three words to each other with a smile on their face. It was beautiful. But then, the unfaithful day came when they announced that they'd be divorcing. When they told me, both of their expressions wasn't relief, happines, or any sort of emotion that could be considered 'good', it was rather grim. Mom looked like she was on the verge of tears while dad looked frustrated. Parents think their kids are oblivious to things like these, but they're actually quite observant. It's like how one's mind tends to make you remember your most embarrassing moments of your life, a moment that you so badly want to get rid of making you want to jump in a big pit and never come back out.

Well, whatever dad is going through, I hope it works out.

As if on cue, my phone rings. A smile creeps its way on my face as I see that it's Anneline.

"Hey, how'd it go?" She asks.

"Well, not too bad. What'd your mom say?" I question.

"Well, remember when I said that my mom would most likely cry her guts out when I told her about everything? I was wrong. She lost her shit and went rampage..."

"Did you tell her everything as in everything...?" I ask hesitantly.

"From start to finish. How we met to the now. And yes, I told her about Cameron wich somehow managed to piss her off even more. When I mentioned that he had a kid...let's just say my dad had to step in and stop her from goimg berserk."

"At least we now know how exactly you managed to get your room in the state it was." I reply with a chuckle.

"Tsk, don't remind me. Anyways, you want to come over?"

"Huh?Come over? You mean home?"

"No, my parents want to meet you. I'll send the address!"

"What?! Anneline, what the hell are you talking about?!"

I was waiting for her to say something but instead I heard a 'Ting' sound. I remove the phone from my ear and see that Anneline had sent a message.

I open her contact only to see an address with a smiley face attached to it.

My love❤
See you soon! :-)

Ah fuck...

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