Chapter 25

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3 months later...

"Thanks." I tell the waiter with a smile, and make my way to the back. I seat myself down and look out the window.

As usual, it was quite busy.

The ringing of the little bell atached to the door that would jingle when someone left or entered the café; the slow music that played with the occasional clinking sounds that could be heard by the dishes being washed; the aroma of freshly baked sweet treats; the smell of different coffees being brewed; soft murmurs of people having a conversation; the clicking sound of the laptop keys being tapped away.

I missed it, the warm welcoming feeling.

I look out the window and simply observe the cars driving away and people rushing to wherever. I once again thought how everyones lives are playing out. Do they put up a mask that says 'I'm fine' before they step out the house? Or do they go as they are?

It's a question that will always remain a mystery. I know I won't ever figure out the answer, but, simply observing everything is what satisfied me. Being lost in my own thoughts when I'm alone brings me some kind of unexplainable comfort. Not the negative ones of course, the ones that kind of just randomly pop up and where one just has to sit and think even though it's mostly pointless.

"Here you are dear." Mrs Rico says as she placed down a small plate with a slice of cheesecake and lemon meringue with a cup of steaming hot coffee.

"Mrs Rico," I chirped up, "long time no see."

"May I?" She asks as she gestures to the seat opposite mine.

"Of course."

"Tsk, it's been such a long time since I've seen you dear." She says with a smile, her green eyes giving of a look of concern.

"It sure has, how've you been doing?" I ask.

"I've been doing well, until a certain someone stopped coming over and buying almost every single blueberry muffin and cinnamon roll." She replied.

I chuckle with her remark as I sip down on my coffee.

"I'm sorry I haven't been visiting." I replied.

"For months, no less." She hinted. "But really dear, I was quite worried about you. Have the two of you been well? You and your husband, I mean." She says.

"Well, that's actually the reason why I've not been visiting lately. The two of us are in the process of getting divorced." I reply as I look at the brown envelope neatly placed on the table with a black pen on the side.

"What? That can't be, the two of you looked so happy the last time I saw you." She says with a shocked expression.


I was happy back then, but now, I'm happier. I'm overjoyed to be honest.

"Well, that was back then. Alot has happend these past few months. And to be quite frank, I believe I'd be happier doing this." I express.

"Well, as long as you're fine dear. But, please find a way to visit more often, if you can. As I always say, you're like my own daughter and I believe my husband thinks the same." She acknowledged.

Truth is, Mr and Mrs Rico lost their daughter a few months after she was given birth to. Mr Rico told me that they could try again but the pain was simply too much to bare. He said that his wife feared of going through that pain again and would simply lose herself if she had to. He went with his wife's wish and the both of them decided to open a café. He preffered not having a child rather than losing the love of his life.

"Of course, I promise I'll try and make some time to visit." I reply.

She gives me one of her motherly smiles and goes back to the counter.

She would've truly been an amazing mother to her daughter. The way she treats me, even though I have no relation to her by blood, she treats me with love and like her own.

After I finished a slice of my dessert, I hear the jingle of the bell and see Cameron walking in, looking worse then the last time I saw him.

Once again, the total opposite of his usually confident self. No longer the man I once fell for. He wore a blue hoodie that covered most of his face with grey sweatpants and black sneakers. Not what he usually wears, even for casual clothing.

He spots me and walks over, seating himself down where Mrs Rico sat a few moments ago.

"Hi." I say with a small smile.


"How've you been?" I ask.

"I know you don't care wether or not I was doing well. Just cut to the chase, why'd you phone me?" He questions.

"Well that works out quite well actually." I reply with a smile.

I place down my cup and slide over the envelope with the pen. Cameron gives a weird look before ripping  the envelope open and reading the content printed on the pages.

I caught his eyes widen with suprise.

"A-Anneline you can't be serious about this." He croaked.

"Sign it." I state.

"I'm not divorcing you..." He murmurs.

The only reason why I'm here is so that Cameron could sign the papers. I have to give it to Violetta though, if it wasn't for and her connections the whole process of getting the divorce papers in hand would've taken much longer.

"Cameron Barker. Sign. It." I declared.


"Cameron, tell me. What exactly are you trying to gain by trying to stay with me? I believe the both of us wants to be out of each others sight. So, enlighten me."

"I still love you." He confessed.

"Lies, if you loved me you wouldn't have done what you did. Those words hold no meaning coming from you. Tell me the real reason, what exactly are you trying to do gain?"

He went silent for a bit and simply stared at the papers that were almost crumpled in his hands.

"She took everything from me." He started of, "the little girl I thought was my very own daughter turned out to be the child of one of her ex's. For years I loved that little girl as if she was mine. I believed she looked more like her mother, that was until I saw him. It was then that I realized I got played and was simply used as a damn bank."

I didn't feel any pity towards him as he finished off. He had the nerve to lie to me a few minutes ago, stating that he still loved me. But really, what he wanted was my comfort. He doesn't love me, I don't believe he ever did. He wanted me to act as a replacement by the person he got played by.

"Well, unfortunately that has nothing to do with me. Sign it." I commented.

The look of disbelief was plastered on his face.

"Don't expect me to have pity on you just because some other women lied to you, for years. Mind, you did the same exact thing to me. At least now you get to experience the shit I felt when I found out. I'm not repeating myself, sign it." I say.

I could tell he was nervous by how much his hand was shaking. He looked at me expecting me to stop him but gave up that hope when I gestured to the papers placed in front of him.

When he finally gave his signature, a smile creeped up on my face.

"Thank you for your corporation, Mr Barker." I say and placed the papers by my side after I made sure he gave his signature.

"Now then, time to break the news to Violetta."

"News? What? You're going to brag to that bitch about finally being away from me?" He questions with anger.

"That, and that I'm pregnant with her child." I reply.

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