Chapter 21

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Anneline's head lay on my chest as I carresed her locks of hair. I stared up at the ceiling deep in thought.

Should I tell her?

Would she be mad at me?

Will she decide to leave me?

I look down from above her head and notice that her eyes are on the verge of closing and drifting off to sleep.

"Hey, I have something to tell you."

I felt a knot forming in my stomach as I finished that sentence.

"Hmm?" She hummed sluggishly as she raised her head from my chest and moved up. She lay directly next to me and lay on her side as her orbs stare intently into mine.

I caress her cheek with my thumb and admire her features. She leaned into my touch with a small smile.

"Well, what is it?" She asks.

Whatever happens from this point on...I...I just hope it turns out for the best.

"Remember the first time we met?"I question.

"Hmm, not really considering I was in a drunken state. But, what exactly are you trying to say?"

"Well, I'll just get to the point. So when I brought you home that night, Cameron was on the phone with someone. I'm assuming it was a women because of the way he replied. Not only that, but, he had lipstick stains on his shirt as well. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

I studied Anneline's face but her expression was unreadable. There was no disbelief, anger, frustration or anything visible that could show what was going through her mind.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She croaked out.

"... Because you loved him. And I was a mere stranger at the time, a someone who simply showed up and helped you in a time of need. How would I have known if you'd believe me or not?" I reply.

"The way you spoke about him when we went on our little dates, you sounded crazy about him. It made me mad and jealous at the same, yet also happy. What pissed me off was the fact that he'd cheat on you. An amazing person such as yourself deserves happines. What made me happy was that I thought that I could have a chance with you."

"Not in a sense of sleeping with you and calling it quits though... That evening you stumbled into me and carresed my cheek with your flushed cheeks, believe it or not I fell for you at that very moment. I will admit, it broke me down a bit when I saw the ring on your finger."

"When I was on the way back to take you home, I thought at least I could be friends with you. I know it sound s childish and all, but...-"

"Shut up." She stated before smashing her lips on mine.


Shouldn't she be mad at me right now?

I stare at her with confusion as she simply looked at me with a smile.

"It's in the past. Whatever happend, happend. I'll admit, I was a bit selfish back then as well but I've changed. So don't worry about it. The only person I love right now is you, and you only." She stated.

The words that escaped her lips were spoken with true affection. The way her eyes sparkled as she said that she loved me, the way she carresed my cheeks and left small pecks of kisses on my forehead...

"Don't cry." She whispered.


Was I crying?

I felt them.

I felt the tears escaping from my eyes, blurring my vision from this beautiful women. I rapidly blinked as I tried to clear my vision, but the more I did, the more the tears would come out and stream down my face.

Anneline slowly sat up and made herself comfortable on my lap. I wrap my arms around her waist as I stare up into her eyes.

"I said stop crying." She says and claims my lips once again.

"I love you." I murmured.

"I love you too, Violetta". She said back.

After a couple hours of laying in bed and saying sweet things to each other, Anneline drifted of to sleep. For a while I simply watched her sleeping form with soft snores escaping her lips. She looked so peaceful.

A couple minutes later, I started feeling a bit hungry and decided on making me something to eat. As I made my way to the kitchen, I heard a  constant buzzing sound. I followed it, only for me to end up in the room that Anneline massacred.

I now realize why she drifted off to sleep in my arms earlier.

The room was a total wreck! It was as if a damn tornado made its way in here.

I looked down at the floor and see that  the buzzing sound is from Anneline's cellphone. And of course, it was the one and only asshole known as Cameron.

I pick up the phone and put it to my ear.

"Anneline?? Honey?? Why didn't you pick up? I've been trying to talk to you for hours?! Why-"

"It's not your future ex-wife, asshole." I say as I make my way to my coat in the living area.

"What? Who the hell is this and where's my wife?" He questions.

I pull out a ciggarette and put it to my lips. I light it up and puff out some smoke.

"Don't you have some nerve? First, you go and have a kid with some other skank and now you wanna know where your wife is? By the way, how is Emilia doing?"

"What? H-how do you know Emilia?! Who the hell are you?!" He yelled out.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not dangerous or anything. I just know alot more than I need to know. As for my Anneline, she's laying comfortably in bed. I was on my way to prepare us something to eat until I heard a constant buzzing. And lo, and behold. It was you." I replied.

"You, aren't you that women who brought Anneline home that one night?" He questioned, suspicion etched into his voice.

"Bingo. Anyways, im tired of this conversation. Oh! Before I forget, can you tell the skank Violetta says hi?" I say before I ended the call.

I place the phone on the counter and  make my way to the cabinets to prepare a meal for Anneline and me.


A/N: sorry for late update, I had a bussines assignment and two essays that needed to be done;-; 

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