Chapter Twelve

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Akari didn't talk to Aizawa for most of the day. He waited until Recovery girl would be coming tonight to heal some more of his injuries to actually look and talk to him. Having just met the man not too long and ago and have something very much out of his control happen so early on into being acquaintances, he was so not ready to face  him.

The incident in the bathroom this morning wasn't that big of deal to Aizawa than it was to Akari. The younger wasn't really active sexually since he turned 18 so he surprised himself when he popped a boner after feeling the huge flacid dick when it wasn't even meant to be sexual. With him being right up against Aizawa to hold him up , it was very obvious when it happened. He knew the man felt it, he just didn't say anything in order to keep Akari from anymore embarrassment.

It was nearing lunch time and he was getting a bit hungry. Usually he would be at The Bean since he's there almost every single day. He really didn't want to interact with the man in his room but he couldn't just let him starve.

"Hey, uh, you hungry?" He popped his head in the door frame. Akari put on Netflix so Aizawa wasn't as bored. He was currently watching Shameless as per recommendation by the glowstick with Dr.Pickles sitting on his stomach making biscuits into the blankets. The man looked up at him, dull black eyes meeting the glowing yellow ones. Aizawa could tell Akari was blushing. His freckles seemed to glow more than normal and his hair had a faint glow.

"I could eat anything really if it's not a bother."

"How about a nice bowl of chicken noodle and stars?" The soup actually wasn't originally going to be on the menu for today. But recent events has cause it to magically be on it. The only reason is because soup is liquid, and the star shaped noodles could be sucked through a straw. It was also the only quick and easy food he had until he went to the grocery store whenever that may be.

"Sounds good."

Akari went back to the kitchen to "make" lunch, his being a plain ham and mayo sandwich and the bowl of soup in the microwave. What? He couldn't cook at all, and this was all he can make. Once the microwave beeped, he took a spoon to stir and feel if it was a good temperature to use a straw with. He didn't want Aizawa to burn his tongue. A few moments later, he went back to the bedroom.

He helped Aizawa sit up and propped pillows to keep his back from hurting as much. Being in the proximity of each other, Akari was flushing like crazy. He wish he could control his quirk so it wouldn't be noticable, but with the sun blocked from the window and the only light was coming from the lamp, he is shining to the point where you could for sure see what he's feeling.

Silence between the two as they ate was uncomfortable. The episode of Shameless that was on was of course where Lip and Mandy were getting busy with each other. It's not that he didn't enjoy these kinds of scenes where the women were practically naked, he was technically gay but cant help but to appreciate the female body. It was the fact that the man who he just got a hard on for just so happened to be right next to him. He had gotten under the covers at the end of the bed to keep him a little bit more warm in his 68° apartment. So feeling cold toes geaze against his short clad thighs caused him to jump a bit. He was mid way through a bite of his sandwich when he glanced over to the man...who wasn't even looking at him.

The bowl of soup was propped on his casted arms and the straw placed in between his lips. His dull eyes were focused on the T.v. even after the sex scene of the episode. Dr.Pickles had wondered off to eat his can of tuna Akari left in the kitchen so he was no longer on the man's lap. The toes never moved.

Akari didn't know if this was intentional or not. The foot touching him was the one with just a brace on the ankle for a sprain, so he could breifly feel the hard cloth texutre whenever it made contact. His hair and face began to glow even more when the foot made more surface contact with his thigh, even going underneath his shorts an little bit. Okay, so he was doing it on purpose.

He honestly didn't mind the toes gently rubbing against his skin almost like caressing the area, but the fact that this was the man he accidentally got a boner on while not even thinking about it was not what he had expected would happen.

A/n: this chapter kinda sucks ngl lol. But this is just a filler. Im pretty sure next chapter im going to start the sports festival arc so i can get this relationship started.

My birthday is coming up on June 25 so ill actually be 21 this year. Yay to legally being able to buy alcohol. Poor Walmart when i buy a lot of cases of Jamaican me happy and strawberry daiquiri wine coolers lol


Thanks for reading as always, love you guys!

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