𝟏 " Tsukishima's perspective"

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" Stupid shop, stupid store, stupid humans."

Tsukishima was currently in a sour mood. He went to his favorite bakery to get some strawberry shortcake but the last customer had gotten to last one.

Now, he was walking home mumbling and kicking pebbles that got in his way.

This day couldn't get worse for him. Or so he thought.

" Fuck." It started raining, and raining hard. Worst thing was, he didn't have an umbrella with him. His house wasn't too far but not that close either.

" Fuck this shit." He took his backpack, put it on his head and ran to his house.

" Hey- woah.." His brother greeted as Kei entered the house.

" Shut up." He grumbled and headed for his room, but first he needed to shower.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, he sat down at his desk getting ready to do his homework.

Thank God, it wasn't anything to hard. There wasn't much to do, so he was okay.

" Let's get this shit done with." He whispered writing down the answer.

About 20 minutes after he started doing his homework, his phone buzzed as he received a message.

He didn't recognize the number.

" What the fuck?" He frowned opening the text.


When's the deadline for the art project?

'Bitch, do I know you?'

He could've ignored and blocked the number but he didn't as he decided to message the person back.


Who are you? What project?

'Imagine it's someone from your team trying to prank you.' He shushed his own mind.


Oh shit, you're not Gabriella.

Sorry for that.

' Ah! Just a wrong number.'


It's okay, I guess.




Yeah. When is the deadline?

Why are you asking?

"Shit, why am I asking? Fuck it."


You've piqued my interest
and I want to know now.



' Imagine it's tonight.' He shushed his mind again.

Shit. It's at midnight.


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