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Note: This is before Firestar came to the forest and leopardstar is a kit. 

It had been raining. Endless rain. The muddy ground squelched under the she-cats paws as she  wandered through the forest. 

The clans have to be around here somewhere. She thought. 

She stopped under the shelter of a great rock and gently put the bundle of grey fur down. The little kit mewed her small eyes pleading for shelter and food. 

I'm sorry little one but this is what's best for the both of us. The she-cat thought stooping to give her kit a last lick. Tears were streaming down the she-cats cheeks as as she turned and padded out into the rain. 

The little kit gave a small mew, hoping her mum would answer. She could hear nothing except the endless rain. She stretched her little head out to peer into the mist. 

She sighed tucking her nose into her tail. A few hours passed by and the little kit could hear the squelching of mud. 

"I think I smell rouge scent." An unfamiliar cat meowed 

"Are you sure?" A second cat answered sounding a bit nervous. 

"Calm down Slatepaw." A third cat meowed. 

"If theres a fight we will fight." The first cat meowed. 

"O-okay." Slatepaw answered. 

The kit let out a small mew hoping someone would hear her. 

"What was that?" Slatepaw asked. 

"It sounded like a kit!" The second cat meowed. 

The grass rustled and a small black tom appeared. 

"It is a kit! Hayshine! Moonwing! I found it!" 

The kit backed up against the stone, trembling. 

"Where- oh-" A pale silver she-cat appeared next to the black tom, "Aw she looks so scared." The she-cat stretched her muzzle to rub her face against the kits. 

"Should we take it back to camp?" A creamy coloured cat appeared. 

"Is that even a question? Of course were taking her! Crookedstar will understand." 

"But she isn't even clanborn." The creamy tom protested. 

"So!? She's just a kit! What harm could she do?" The she-cat answered, tail lashing. 

"She could-" The black tom started. 

"Enough! I'm the deputy so I make the decisions here." The she-cat hissed. "Were taking her back and thats final!" 

The she-cat looked at the trembling kit. 

"My names Moonwing. Whats your name?" Moonwing asked. 

The kit whimpered, terrified of the pale silver cat. 

"Its obvious that she cant talk." The small black cat muttered. 

"I know that mouse-brain but it was worth a try. Lets take her back to camp." Moonwing gently grasped the small kit by the scruff. 

The kit tried to struggle but she was too exhausted. 

"Lets go already! My paws are gonna drop off!" The black cat whined. 

Moonwing rolled her eyes, "Apprentices!"  

They slowly walked back to camp and swam across the river. Before long they were walking through the entrance of Riverclan. 

"Moonwing what is the meaning of this?!" A big orange tabby stopped in front of them. 

Moonwing gently placed the small kit down and squared her shoulders, meeting her leaders eyes without flinching. 

"My patrol found this kit, by itself,  crying for her mum. I couldn't leave her there by herself." 

"Have you thought about who would mother this kit?" The big orange tabby calmly asked. 

"No Crookedstar. I only saw a kit in danger." Moonwing said matching her leaders tone. 

"I'll look after it!" Someone called. 

The cats turned to see a pretty gold tabby walking towards them. 

"My litter is only half a moon old so she'll fit right in." The tabby said, sniffing the kit. 

"Okay Brightsky you can have her." Crookedstar said blowing out a breath. "What will you call her?" 

Brightsky straightened, "Her name will be Dawnkit." 

"Well chosen." Crookedstar complimented nodding at her.  

Brightsky picked Dawnkit up and carried her into the nursery. 

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