Chapter 7

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The patrol padded through the woods. 

"I think we should check near the gorge." Leopardfur mewed, glancing at the other cats. 

"I think thats a good idea." Mewed Whiteclaw warmly. 

Dawnmist padded at Lionmane's shoulder. "So do you think ThunderClan will get WindClan back?" Lionmane asked. 

"I don't know? Maybe." She stopped. "Do you smell that?" She asked. 

Lionmane inhaled. "WindClan! And ThunderClan?" 

"Leopardfur! Wait!" Dawnmist called, bounding to her sister who had been talking to Whiteclaw with a small blush on her face.

"Mhm?" She asked Dawnmist as she approached.

"Lionmane and I smelt ThunderClan and WindClan. Just near the gorge." Dawnmist reported.

Leopardfur let out a yowl of anger. "How. Dare. They?! RiverClan with me!" She bounded away towards the gorge and sure enough they saw a fiery orange pelt, a thick gray pelt, and a duller orange pelt and a cat with a permanent limp.

"RiveClan! Attack!" She yowled, leaping onto the big gray tom. 

Dawnmist leaped onto the fiery orange tom and smacked him a few times. She hissed as he nipped her sharply. 

Suddenly loud yowls broke through the battle. She lifted her head and saw more ThunderClan warriors. She still fought, blind to whoever she was attacking. 

"Whiteclaw! No!" She heard her sister yowl in agony. Dawnmist froze and saw Whiteclaw fall into the gorge. The gray tom stumbled away from the edge and went to join the ThunderClan patrol. 

She slowly shifted her gaze to look at the tom. Graystripe! She remembered from the gathering. She narrowed her eyes in fury as she saw two cats take up defensive positions on Graystripes side. Dawnmist bunched her legs ready to spring at the other cats but a warning growl from her sister made her stay. 

"This has gone beyond a border fight," She murmured. "We shall return to our Clan. It has become a matter to settle at another time and in another way." 

Leopardfur flicked her tail and slowly the patrol trudged after her. Dawnmist padded up to her sister and nuzzled her comfortingly. "Don't worry they will pay." Dawnmists eyes glinted. 

"Oh, I'm not worrying. Revenge will come soon dear sister. Soon." She mewed. 

"How are you going to tell Crookedstar?" Lionmane came trotting up to them. 

"Dont worry. Are you hurt?" Leopardfur asked her siblings. 

Lionmane winced as the wound on his flank started bleeding again. "I'll survive." He mewed. 


"Im alright." In silence they walked back to camp. 


Dawnmist blearily opened her eyes. She was in the medicine den. She sighed and tried to stretch but stopped as a bolt of pain went through her head. 

"Dawnmist? Are you okay?" Wolfhowl's worried mew.

"I'm fine but I don't know about Leopardfur." She mewed, sadly. "She just watched one of her bestfriends die."

"It will take a long time but she will heal." Wolfhowl mewed, resting his head on her head.

"Sis! Are you okay?" Leopardfur thrusted her way into the den.

"Fine. Are you okay?" Dawnmist asked narrowing her eyes.

Leopardfur sighed, "I will make ThunderClan pay for what they have done." She growled.

"Vengance, sweet vengeance."

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