Chapter 5

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Dawnpaw yawned as she stretched. It was morning. Sun-high. Perfect she was on time. She padded out of the den and trotted towards the fresh-kill pile. 

"Awesome! You're on time!" Her mentor, Moonwing eagerly came up to her. "Eat then were going on patrol with Whisperpaw, Hazelbranch and Deathfang." 

"Okay." Dawnpaw picked out a small thrush. In minutes she was ready. 

She padded over to the others, "Were going to patrol ShadowClans border!" Whisperpaw mewed happily. 

"You seem extra happy today." Dawnpaw observed. 

"And you seem extra tired." Whisperpaw retorted, "But it's probably because Blossompaw smiled at me and offered to eat with me." His eyes glowed. 

"And you loooove Blossompaw." Dawnpaw teased. 

"Do not! She's just a friend!" Whisperpaw defended. 

"Sure." Dawnpaw mewed. 

"She is, besides its you love Hawkpaw. And he loves you." Whisperpaw looked smug. 

"I dont like him or anyone. Okay?" 

Whisperpaw twitched his ear, "Sure." 

"What are you doing on ShadowClan's territory?" A orange she cat came from the shadows. 

Whisperpaw and Dawnpaw stopped. Moonwing came and stood in front of them protectively, flanked by Hazelbranch and Deathfang. 

"Were not on your territory, Foxheart." Moonwing calmly said. 

"Well you're close enough." She hissed, flicking her tail and four other warriors stood beside her. Dawnpaw sized them up. They looked strong and eager. "Were ready to fight." 

"Whisperpaw, run back to camp and get back-up. Now." Hazelbranch mewed urgently to her apprentice. Large-eyed, he nodded and bolted. 

Foxheart coldly looked after him, guessing the reason why he left. 

"Foxheart we dont have to fight." Deathfang mewed carefully. 

"Oh but we do." Foxheart purred, "ShadowClan attack!" she yowled, leaping at Moonwing. All hell broke loose. A big burly cat leaped on Dawnpaw and she desperately tried to wiggle from his harsh grip. Remembering a training move that Moonwing taught her, she started pummelling at the cats belly, claws unsheathed. The cat snarled, and put my weight on my stomach. Whisperkit please hurry up. She pleaded silently. The cat raised his paw to deliver the killing blow. I screwed my eyes shut, silently preparing myself for death. I waited a couple of seconds when nothing happened a opened my eyes and saw Moonwing battling with the ShadowClan warrior. 

"Stay away from my apprentice." Moonwing hissed. I tried standing up but I slumped back down. Then suddenly the ShadowClan warrior pinned Moonwing beneath him. He bent his head and grabbed her throat in his mouth. 

"NOOOOOO!" I heard myself yowl and desperately tried lunging at him. When Moonwing stopped struggling he let go and grinned at Dawnpaw, displaying his bloodstained teeth. 

Then I heard the stampede of ThunderClan warriors approaching. I managed to drag myself to Moonwing bloodstained body. "M-Moonwing pl-please wake up. I-I nee-d y-ou." I cried, laying my head on her flank. 

"You'll regret this!" I heard Deathfang spit. 

Slowly the warriors crowded around me and Moonwing. "I'm so sorry I didn't come in time." Mewed Whisperpaw. 

Anger cursed through my veins. I drew myself up and snarled at him, "You took your own sweet time getting help! Its alright for you isn't it? You're mentor is alive! I hate you! I hate you hate hate hate you." I spat, my fur bristling. 

"Calm down, Dawnpaw. You're injured and you just watched your mentor die. You need rest." Hazelbranch mewed, blood spewing from her shoulder. Finally Mistyfoot, Missingbrook and Stonefur arrived. They took one look at the bloodstained clearing and gently scooped up Moonwings body. 

I limped at Mistyfoots shoulder. My head and tail drooped. They slowly padded into the mist. 

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