Chapter 3

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"Wake up!"

Dawnpaw sleepily opened her eyes to find her sister, Leopardpaw, jabbing her in the face with a paw.

"Mmf? Why are you waking me up?"

"Because, we get to patrol the territory and the others are waiting for you. So hurry up and get up." Leopardpaw twitched her tail and left the den. 

Dawnpaw yawned and realised that sometime in the night Wolfpaw had snuggled beside her. His light grey flank peacefully rose and fell as his dreamt. 

As she stirred, he woke up still sleepy, "Where are you going?" 

"My mentor is going to show me the territory," She mewed gently. 

"Do I have to get up?" 

"I dont think so. I'll be back soon," She added, feeling a warm tingly feeling spread from her paws to the rest of her body. 

"Okay." She left him sleeping peacefully and found her siblings and their mentors waiting for her. 

"Finally." Lionpaw yawned. 

"Lets gooooo already." Leopardpaw said impatiently. 

"Okay, c'mon." The mentors lead the way out of the camp, with the apprentices trailing behind. 

"What do you smell?" Whitefang suddenly asked them. 

Dawnpaw inhaled and smelt something that wasn't cat scent. 

"Fox!" Leopardpaw mewed triumphantly. 

"Very good. Is it still fresh?" Moonwing asked. 

The scent wasn't very strong, "Stale?" Dawnpaw ventured unsurely. 

"Very good for your first try." Moonwing mewed warmly, "Considering the fact that you've never left camp." 

 "Ewww whats that smell?" Lionpaw mewed, wrinkling his nose. 

Mothdream smiled warmly at him, "It's ShadowClan scent, this is their border." 

"It smells horrible." Leopardpaw mewed in disgust. 

"Lets move on." Whitefang mewed. 

"Do we have time to hunt?" Leopardpaw mewed. 

"Yes of course." Whitefang mewed, blinking at his apprentice. "Show them how its done?" 

"Yay of course." Leopardpaw inhaled and Dawnpaw did the same. She could very faintly hear the heartbeat of a mouse. 

Leopardpaw crouched in the grass, staying light on her feet as she moved towards the mouse. The brown rodent was nibbling on a beech nut and did not see her coming until the last second. Leopardpaw sprang at it and killed it with a swipe of her deadly claws. 

"Nice job!" Whitefang praised, his eyes shining. 

Leopardpaw dropped the mouse at his paws and proudly lifted her tail. 

"Share the mouse between you three, then we'll move on." Mothdream mewed. 

The siblings crouched and started to eat the juicy, succulent flesh. 

Once they had finished they moved on and saw ThunderClan and WindClans border. 

"What is WindClan famous for?" Moonwing asked the apprentices. 

"Rabbits!" Lionpaw mewed. 

"Why?" His mentor, Mothdream quizzed. 

"Uhhh... Good question...." Lionpaw mewed looking lost. 

"They're built for running so their faster and able to kill rabbits easier." Leopardpaw mewed. 

"Exactly." Whitefang purred, proudly. 

They padded back to camp. 

"Hey tonights full moon! Who do you think they'll choose?" Her brother, Whisperpaw, mewed coming to stand next to them. 

"Defiantly not us." Leopardpaw mewed, "Were too newly apprenticed." 

"Let all cats old enough to swim the rapids gather around the Wet Rock for a clan meeting!" Crookedstar called. 

Everyone came to stand in front of the Wet rock. 

"I have decided who will be going to the gathering: Moonwing, Twigbranch, Furiousclaws, Rapidfur, Hawkpaw, Wolfpaw and Rabbitpaw, report to the entrance. We leave now." Crookedstar leaped off the Wet Rock and waited by the camp entrance. 

Dawnpaw stayed up waiting for Wolfpaw and Hawkpaw to come back. After what seemed like forever, Wolfpaw, Hawkpaw and Rabbitpaw came through the entrance looking excited. 

"What happened?" She asked Hawkpaw. 

"ThunderClan is so desperate for warriors that they have accepted a kittypet into their clan." 

She heard a snort from behind her. Leopardpaw was trying to hold back another snort. 

"What was the kittypets name?" Dawnpaw asked. 

"Firepaw. Out of all names they chose that one. I bet the only fire that he has is his kittypet blood." Wolfpaw chuckled. 

"Yeah..." But she couldn't help that maybe this kittypet was here for a reason. 

"Lets sleep?" Wolfpaw suggested. 

"Okay." She murmured, snuggling down beside him. She tried to sleep but the name stuck with her. 


"Dawnpaw! C'mon we have fighting training!" Her mentor, Moonwing called from the entrance of the den.   

"Coming!" She called. 

She met her mentor and together they went down to Beech Copse. 

"Okay keep your claws sheathed and try this." Her mentor leaped at her. As Dawnpaw tried to dodge her attack Moonwing twisted herself and landed on top of Dawnpaw. "That, is how you effectively pin a cat." Moonwing climbed off her. "Try it on me." 

"Okay." Dawnpaw stared at her mentor sizing her up. She could try left then twist and land on her right. Dawnpaw crouched and sprang but Moonwing calmly went left as Dawnpaw tried to go right. Dawnpaw landed on the grassy floor. 

"You're eyes betrayed were you were aiming." Moonwing calmly stated. "Try to look in a different direction before you jump." 

Dawnpaw nodded and crouched to try again. This time she aimed for the right side but studied the left. She crouched than she sprang effectively pinning down the warrior. 

"Very good, now when someone pins you use your back claws and pummel at their belly like this." Moonwing started pummelling at Dawnpaws stomach until she let her up. 

After a few more hours of training the young apprentice was exhausted. 

"You've done very well today. I've never seen such promise from an apprentice as young as you." Moonwing praised. 

"T-Thank you." Dawnpaw panted. 

"Go rest and eat some fresh-kill." 

"Okay! Thank you!" Dawnpaw called from over her shoulder as she bolted to camp. 

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