Chapter 1

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"Dawnkit! Wake up and play with us!" 

"Yeah! Wake up you lazy furball!" 

Dawnkit shifted in her nest of moss, annoyed that she couldn't get a wink of sleep. 

"Wake up already!" A paw jabbed her in the side. 

"All right, all right I'm getting up." Dawnkit grumbled getting to her paws. 

"Hurry! Were just outside the nursery!" Her brother, Lionkit, meowed before darting back outside. 

Dawnkit gave herself a little shake before she left the nursery. 

Outside her brothers and sister were play-fighting. 

"Oh look who decided to wake up!" Her sister, Leopardkit, teasingly meowed. 

"What are we playing?" Dawnkit asked blinking. 

"We were doing the invasion of shadowclan!" Lionkit meowed importantly. 

"Cool. Who's leader?" 

"Me! I obviously make the best leader." Leopardkit mewed, puffing out her chest. 

"And I'm the evil shadowclan leader." Her other brother, Whisperkit, growled trying to look menacing. 

"Right. Well I'll be on Leopardstars side." Dawnkit mewed looking at her sister. 

"Okay then! Lets fight!" Her brother Lionkit leaped at her. 

She instinctively leaped to the side but Whisperkit cornered her. 

"You're mine now." He prowled a step closer. He jumped on her, swiftly placing one paw on her throat. 

She started to pummel his belly with her hind paws trying to get him off her. He raised his paw about strike but she leaped upwards causing him to slide off her. Before he could stumble to his paws she jumped on him placing a paw on his throat. 

"Pinned you." She teased. 

"You two will make fine warriors one day." Moonwing, the deputy, acknowledged with a nod of her silver head. 

"T-thank you." Dawnkit mewed, surprised by the older cats praise.  

"You're welcome." Moonwing dipped her head and started to walk towards the fresh-kill pile. 

"Damn. She doesn't give praise that easily." Leopardkit and Lionkit had stopped their play and were staring at the two with awe in their eyes. 

Dawnkit shrugged. "Now where were we?" 

Sometime later 

"I'm going to be the best fighter in all of the clans!" Lepoardkit boasted. 

"Nuh uh! I'm going to be the best hunter this clan has ever seen before!" Lionkit mewed triumphantly. 

"I will be the best leader! Ever!" Whisperkit declared loudly. 

The three kits stared at him in shock. 

"D-Does that mean y-you're gonna kill Crookedstar?" Leopardkit asked, her voice wobbling. 

"What?! Of course not! I would never!" He yowled. 

The other two kits turned away and started to walk towards their mother, tails high in the air. 

"C'mon Dawnkit! We dont like playing with bad cats!" 

Dawnkit hesitated. "Dont worry. They'll come 'round." She let her tail rest comfortingly on his shoulder, before turning around and heading towards her siblings. 

Ever since then the siblings relationship had been tense. Lepoardkit and Lionkit both thought he was a traitor to the clan for thinking about becoming leader so young. 

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