Billy Hargrove x Male reader

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"Elmdan! Wait up!" I stopped and turned. Nancy was shouting my name. She stopped in front of me panting.

"Are you going to the pool party at Tommy's place?" She asked in between breaths.

"Nance you know I don't like parties, remember the last party we went to? Plus I'm not really into drinking. Weeds cool though."

Nancy gave me a blank expression and then smiled, "You know who will be there." She said giggling.

I put my hands on my face in frustration, "Nance. I don't have a crush on Billy for the last time. He doesn't swing that way."

Nancy smacked the back of my hand, "Don't think that way Elmdan. He's your best friend. Aside from me."

"Yeah until he finds out I'm bisexual. Then what? He tells everyone and then I get made fun of and then my parents find out and kick me out." I said starting to hyperventilate.

I felt hands on my hips. "Calm down there man, you're gonna have a panic attack." I jumped and turned to see Billy. He looked at me, worried in his eyes. I stepped back. I could feel the blush on my face.

"H-hey man- I'm not li-like that." I stammered.

Billy walked up to me, "Elmdan. Are you ok? You seem stressed and sunburned."

"I'm fine. I'm j-just tired." I said stammering. I do in fact, have the biggest crush on Billy. He stepped closer to me.

"Can I talk to you alone?" He said, shifting his eyes to Nancy.

"I'm going I'm going." She said walking away

Billy's expression softened, and he smiled. I felt calmer.

"What's up?" I asked, leaning on my locker.

"I was wondering if you wanted to ride with me to the pool party?" He said. He seemed off. His eyes were... staring, gazing even.

"Stop looking at my lips," I said covering my mouth. Billy leaned in a little closer. His chest almost touching mine. His hand was next to my head. If I were shorter it would look like he was mugging a kid. But no were both sitting at a solid 5'10".

"Why? They look so soft." Billy said, his eyes full of want. I looked at him. His blonde curls, his eyes, his white teeth. I could kiss him right then. He smirked and stepped away.

"You can have more of you come to the party. If you do decide to come. I'll pick you up."

"I-ill come. You know where my house is. See ya then." And with that Billy walked away, leaving me extremely confused and a little turned on.


I waited for Billy to pull up. He seemed very off today. I just brushed the events of earlier today as him being high. I look up from the ground to see Billy's Camaro pull up by the curb. I sped walked over and got in the car.

"Hey, Pretty Boy. You look sharp." He said smiling.

"Th-thanks," I said smiling.

Billy and I made small talk for a while and then the topic of sexuality came up.

"I'm not homophobic. I'm about 69% sure Max is bisexual so."

"Yeah, your sister seems like a bisexual. Um.. you know I'm bisexual too."

"Really? Same. I thought I was the only one."

I stopped, did Billy Hargrove just come out to me?

"Wait your bi?!" I said shocked.

Billy chuckled, "Well yeah, how else would you explain the events of earlier?"

"I-i'm sorry- I can't believe that Billy Hargrove just came out to me."

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