Todd Smith smut

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HELLO READERS. Update when I finish my Jacksepticeye book. A Markiplier book maybe just maybe will be a thing. But again MAYBE anyways here's your smut, you thirsty child. your name is Jesse.

Jesse walked to Zane's house. It was a good 2-hour walk but he enjoyed it. As he walked he saw Todd. "TODDY!!" Jesse shouted as he ran to him. "Hey, Jess. What's up?" Todd said hugging Jesse. "Not much. I was walking to your, Matt, And Zane's house." He said. I'm about to uber there if ya wanna catch a ride." Todd said. "Sure," Jesse replied. Jesse and Todd always hold hands. It's not like they were dating. Ever since they met they've always done it.

The uber arrived and they hopped in. Eventually, they arrived at Todd's house. They hopped out of the car and walked into Todd's house. "Oh no," Jesse said as the sound of loud music hit his ears. Jesse never liked parties. Not after the first party, he ever went to. "Oh come on Jesse it won't be that bad," Todd said grabbing Jesse's hand and making him blush. They walked into the house. Jesse didn't let go of Todd's hand. He grew anxious and he started to shake. Jesse and Todd pushed through the crowd of drunk or half-drunk people. "Ok, I'll be right back with some drinks," Todd said as Jesse sat on the bed. He left slamming the door on his way out.

Not long after the door opened. Jesse looked up from my phone to see Zane as drunk as ever. "HeY cUtIe." He said stumbling towards me. "H-hi Z-zane," Jesse said. Zane dropped his drink and pinned me to the bed.
"Z-zane this isn't funny," Jesse said as he started to kiss his neck. "WHAT THE FUCK ZANE?!" Todd said opening the door. "Hey tOdDy," Zane said turning around to face Todd. Todd noticed that Jesse had been crying. "What did you, Zane?" Todd said rushing over and hugging Jesse. "He WaS aLl AlOnE. sO i WaNtEd To ChEeR hIm Up." Zane said picking up his drink. "Zane your drunk. NEVER. Come near Jesse again." Todd said grabbing Jesse's hand and leading Jesse outside. "HeY mY bOyFrIeNd!" Zane said tripping. "It's ok Jesse I'm here," Todd said hugging Jesse. "Todd- he- I-" Jesse stammered. Todd held Jesse in a tight hug. "It's ok Jesse. He's not here." Todd said hugging Jesse tighter. "Why..... Why me Todd? Why couldn't he try to fuck David or Gabbie." Jesse said wiping his tears. "I don't know," Todd said slowly releasing Jesse from his embrace. "C'mon let's go for a walk," Todd said grabbing Jesse's hand and walking. "But Todd-" Jesse was cut off by Todd kissing him. "Come on," Todd said winking. "F-f-fine," Jesse muttered. "Awww your so cute when you're flustered," Todd said walking. "Shut up," Jesse said grabbing Todd's hand.

"Todd I'm cold," Jesse said. "Here take my hoodie," Todd said taking off his hoodie. Jesse blushed and put it on. "Better? Todd asked grabbing Jesse's hand again. "Mhm," Jesse said putting up the hood. The two of them eventually walked into a random neighborhood. It was one of those rich neighborhoods. Big houses with pools in the back yards. Jesse spotted a sign that said. Pool party. Anyone and everyone is invited. "Toddy can we go?" Jesse asked looking at Todd. "Sure it's a nice night for a swim," Todd said as they made their way to the party.

"OMG Toddy Smith?" Someone said when he and Jesse walked in no longer holding hands. "Hi ladies," Todd said walking past them. "He like girls Jesse. Not guys. He would never date you." Jesse thought. "Jess. Ya coming?" Todd said waving his hand. "Oh yeah. Sorry." Jesse said running up to Todd. The two pushed through the crowd and made it to the pool area. "I'm not gonna swim. But I'll dip my feet in." Jesse said taking off his shoes and rolling up his jeans. "Well, I'll be swimming," Todd said hugging Jesse and kissing his forehead before jumping in.

Jesse dipped his feet into the water and watched Todd swim with everyone else. "Look a faggot." Someone said pushing Jesse into the pool. (Don't worry Jesse's phone and wallet are in his shoes.) "Jess!" Todd shouted before diving under to save Jesse. (Cuz Jesse *you* cant swim UwU.) Todd placed Jesse on the concrete. "Jesse? Wake up." Todd said hugging Jesse. "W-what?" Jesse said weakly. "Jess you're ok!" Todd said hugging Jesse tightly. "T-todd I can breath." Jesse said weakly. "oh s-sorry." Todd said letting go of Jesse. Todd looked up to see a group of guys laughing. "Cmon Jesse. We're leaving." Todd said putting on his shirt. "O-ok," Jesse said putting on Todd's hoodie and his own shoes.

They walked out the front entrance and they got about a block away when the same group of guys stopped them. "Awwwww look fag boy has a boyfriend." One of them said. "Jesse get behind me," Todd said. "Awwww he thinks he can fight all 7 of us." Another one of them said. "Look we don't want trouble. Just let us pass and we'll be on our way." Todd said. "Nah. We just want the fag." The "leader" said walking toward Todd and Jesse. "Jesse get on my back," Todd said. "Wh-why?" Jesse said getting on Todd's back. "This is why," Todd said as he started running. "Get 'em!!!" One of the guys said and they started to run after them. "TODD!" Jesse screamed wrapping his arms around Todd's neck. "HOLD ON TIGHT!!" Todd shouted running back towards the party. "COME BACK HERE!!!" One of the men shouted.

The two ran for what seemed like hours. Eventually, Todd stopped running and put Jesse down. "Let's walk for a while," Jesse said grabbing Todd's hand. "We don't have to," Todd said pointing. Jesse looked up to see his apartment complex. "My house!" Jesse said running toward it. "Wait up!" Todd shouted running after him. Jesse grabbed his keys and flung the door open

"My house," Jesse said as he collapsed onto his couch. Todd walked in and shut the door. "Ya left the door open," Todd said sitting next to Jesse. "I left it open for you," Jesse replied cuddling up to Todd. Todd turned on the T.V. and they watched t.v. for a while. "Jesse wanna go swimming?" Todd asked. "Sure. Lemme change." Jesse said standing up and running to his room. Todd giggled and took his shirt off. He walked to the bathroom to grab some towels. After that, he made his way to the kitchen.
Jesse came out of his room in a pair of short shorts.

"Ready?" Jesse asked. Todd looked up and saw Jesse. He had on short shorts. Todd started to feel himself start to get hard. "Yep let's go." Todd said as they walked out of the apartment. They walked to the pool. Jesse used his pool card and entered the pool.

Todd took his shirt off and dove into the water. Jesse took off his shirt and stepped into the shallow end of the pool. "T-todd its s-so cold," Jesse said shivering. "Awwww come here," Todd said swimming up to Jesse and hugging him. Jesse giggled and splashed Todd. "Oh that's how it's gonna be?" Todd said splashing Jesse. The two splashed, swam, and giggled for what seemed like hours. Then it happened. Todd got tired of being hard. So he pulled Jesse into his lap. "Todd?" Jesse asked. Jesse then felt Todd's massive boner. "Oh shit," Jesse said. "Jesse. Look at me. I love you very much. I want you all to myself." Todd said making Jesse blush.

"Take me," Jesse said before kissing Todd. Todd ran his hands down Jesse's body sending chills up Jesse's spine. Jesse started a slow grind on Todd. "Oh you wanna play that way~," Todd said turning around and pinning Jesse to the pool wall. Todd started kissing and nibbling Jesse's neck. "O-oh~" Jesse moaned. "You like that huh?" Todd said in a low seductive tone. "M-more daddy," Jesse said looking Todd in the eye. "That's more like it," Todd said pulling down Jesse's pants. "My my. Are we happy?" Todd said pulling down his own pants. "Ready?" Todd asked looking at Jesse. "Fuck me hard," Jesse said. Todd roughly slammed into Jesse. "A-Ah~" Jesse moaned. "Your-so-tight," Todd said in between grunts. "T-toddy it h-hurts," Jesse said. "It's gonna hurt. It'll feel good soon baby I promise." Todd said. Jesse started to moan louder as Todd found his spot. "O-o-oh D-daddy~~" Jesse moaned. "You slut. You love daddy dick in you don't you?" Todd said huskily. "M-mhm." Jesse hummed as he started to reach his climax. "Ohh T-todd I'm gonna c-cum~" Jesse moaned and Todd kept slamming into him. "Cum for daddy," Todd said slamming into Jesse making him cum right there. "AHHH~" Jesse moaned. "Shhhh. You'll wake everyone up." Todd said. "Daddy cum in me." Jesse moaned gripping Todd's shoulders. "You got it," Todd said slowing down. His thrusts grew sloppy and he eventually came in Jesse. Todd collapsed next to Jesse. He pulled his own and Jesse's pants up. "H-hey Todd," Jesse said looking at Todd. "Hm?" Todd said looking into Jesse's eyes. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Jesse asked. "Id love to," Todd said kissing Jesse.


Bitch~~~~ this took WAY too long to write. Hope y'all enjoyed it.

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