06. afterparty

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"Everyone was right, left it at the afterparty"

Vic Fuentes forgot where he left his phone.

It wasn't exactly his fault. That grand Friday night wasn't supposed to end the way it did. He was only meant to grab a bite to eat with his friends Jaime and Tony –like they usually did on weekends and when he had some spare time– go home, and get some much-needed rest. He wasn't counting on a call from Matt.

The blonde man was always the type to be spontaneous and outgoing, something Vic always loved about him. Not that night, though. He didn't want to go to the party he told him about on the phone, a "small get-together" that one of his friends was throwing for whatever reason. It was already getting late, and he was feeling tired. He just wanted a chill time most of all.

But then he thought about how he hadn't been able to see Matt during most of that week, only some calls here and there and their usual text messages, both of them busy dealing with their responsibilities. It wasn't that unusual, but maybe some effort could be put into their relationship. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go to the party for a little while and spend some quality time with his boyfriend of two years.

So when Matt offered to go pick them up at the diner the trio of friends was eating at, after some back and forth between the two and a lot of convincing from Jaime and Tony as well, Vic finally agreed.

The second they got to the house though, he regretted his choices.

As Vic had already expected, it was far from a "small get-together". He could hear the pumping music from a block away before parking outside the location Matt was following on his phone as he drove. When they made their way in, the stench of weed and beer was so strong Vic thought the party was already ending, with so many people already losing it with the substances and all. He was wrong.

Matt found his friends in no time and went over to them to say hi, taking Vic's hand and dragging him towards them too. The brunette would've been fine without seeing them all night. Matt's friends could be very... intense, sometimes. 

His boyfriend fist-bumped and bro-hugged the group of guys and Vic limited himself to a wave of his hand. They were instantly offered a joint to which Matt gladly accepted and Vic politely declined, earning some eye rolls here and there. He didn't care, party Vic just wasn't in the mood tonight.

He didn't want to get too drunk, let alone high because he knew he'd have to work the next day. For some reason he had Kellin Quinn's appointment fixed in big bold letters in his mind, so he didn't want to risk being hungover. He wanted to make a good impression. He'd never got to work with an authentic ad agency before so it was all exciting. He wasn't exactly nervous, but he didn't want to risk anything going wrong.

Best laid plans, he still ended up downing some shots with Matt since he insisted. But he stuck to light beer after that, getting just the right amount of tipsy and trying to keep an eye on his boyfriend who was already on his way to being drunk. Not exactly his idea of quality time really, but it had to suffice.

Jaime and Tony on their part were having way more fun than he was, though they did keep him company for most of the night while Matt went off with his friends to play their dumb party games. It was alright by Vic. And eventually, he won a bet against Jaime on Tony hooking up with someone before 1 am.

Then they got home pretty late. Vic couldn't believe they stayed until the end of the party to leave, but he wouldn't be the one to stop them all from having fun. Before heading to Vic's building, Matt gave Jaime a lift home. Once they were home, Vic almost fell asleep on the elevator while holding Matt so he wouldn't fall on his face, so it was no surprise that they both passed out the second they hit the pillows.

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