20. open

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"I am not fireproof. I feel it burning me. I feel it burning you."

Mornings at the beach always felt special. They were cool and calm and everything felt slightly freer. It was nostalgic and peaceful and soothing. From his spot on the bunk bed, Kellin could hear the breeze and the ocean and the seagulls in the distance. Everything was so quiet that he could still make out the distinct sounds, even when the beach was relatively far from the house.

All of a sudden he felt like he was on one of the trips his family used to have decades ago when he was still a kid. He was even sharing the room with Tay just like they did back then, and he was usually in the top bunk too, Tay on the bottom one just like Penny was now.
Kellin felt a subtle, barely there tug on the corners of his mouth. He felt cool and calm and slightly freer.

He changed positions on the slim mattress so he could peek from above the bunk at his daughter. She was still sleeping, but he could tell any minute now she would begin to stir and open those big eyes, ready to take on another exciting day. She rose with the sun every day and he doubted that would change despite them not being home.

And he was right. It wasn't long before Penny came to and woke up, and she did so with a lazy giggle upon seeing Kellin on the bed above.

Kellin grinned down at her and waved a hand. "Good morning, sweetheart."

"Daddy, how you get there?" She sat up and tilted her messy bedhead.

Kellin hummed and pointed to the small ladder to the side. "Well, there was this ladder... I said, why not climb it?"

Penny giggled again.

"I like it here, I'm a lot taller," he continued, just to see his kid laugh again. He loved it when she woke up happy. "Do you want to come up?"

"Yes!" the answer came in a heartbeat.

And so Kellin helped her climb up the wooden ladder and held her as her mouth formed an o shape as she gazed at the room from somewhere so up. Kellin smiled the whole time she saw her.

"Are you ready for another day at the beach, Monkey?"

"Yes," she nodded. "I really like the beach, Daddy."

Kellin kissed the top of her hair, then started untangling the knots that had formed overnight, and while at it, he remembered something that was said to him last night.

"And the beach likes you too," he smiled unavoidably.

"Really? Can we stay here forever?" She asked next, making Kellin laugh. But before he could answer, they both heard a tired groan from below.

Penny got curious and crawled to the edge of the bunk to see what it was. Kellin followed suit.

"Guys... Can you be quiet? I'm trying to sleep."

Tay was glaring at them from her heap of covers and pillows, her face barely visible thanks to her scattered hair and the cushions over it. It made Kellin snort, but Penny looked worried.

"You okay there?" Kellin asked teasingly, earning another huff as an answer.

"What's wrong with Auntie Tay?" Penny wondered.

"She stayed up pretty late last night," Kellin replied simply. Tay buried herself more in the pillows. "She's fine, just tired. Right, Tay?"

"I'm never drinking again," she whined, but it sounded muffled because of all the pillows.

"Drinking what?" Penny asked again, but Kellin only laughed more.

"What do you say we change and get some breakfast?" Kellin asked instead of answering, quietly to not disturb Tay's hangover even more.

Happy EndingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora