11. friend?

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"Gimme some time. Show me the foothold from which I can climb."

The next time Kellin Quinn found himself at Scott St. Park was to meet Vic Fuentes again. Why? Because Vic was going to show him the final designs for the campaign, and to say Kellin was excited would be an understatement.

He was feeling better, as he always did. The next day after his depressive slump he went to work like usual and carried on. He was an expert in letting himself fall once, then getting up and going on like nothing was ever wrong. It was something he had to live with, and he was more than used to it by now. He was fine, as always. More often than not he only let it pass.

He was good. He was okay.

It had been a little over a month now that he got himself involved in this work deal with Vic, something he couldn't quite believe yet. Being in the final stages of the preliminary meeting with the park people –as he liked to call the associates in charge of the project– felt so surreal, but Kellin felt closer to the finish line now more than ever, and also like his prize was waiting for him with arms wide open.

Both of them agreed to meet each other at around 6 pm on Saturday, since Vic was busy until that hour. And this time Kellin had to go alone because Penny had her scheduled visit with her other grandmother Ciara. He wasn't too thrilled about that, but that meant he had the whole weekend to himself.

When the day rolled around, Kellin took the morning and most of the afternoon to run around pending errands he knew he couldn't put off any longer around his house, like changing the garage light bulb that was long overdue, cleaning the front porch, changing the soil on his pot plants, taking some of his special work clothes to the dry cleaners... When he was all finished it was almost 5:30 so he took a shower and headed to the park.

Vic offered to meet in the park because he wanted to show him the artwork pieces in the exact places they would go once the plan was given the okay and put in motion. The ads that would go around the park, that is. Other pieces were meant to be placed all around the city, but he'd leave that job for the agency.

Kellin couldn't disagree with the idea and went with it thinking it was rather smart. And showed how committed Vic was to his work. Vic was probably more excited than him, but that wouldn't surprise him. Plus, he was glad he had another reason to be out and about other than house chores.

Once he arrived at his destination, he texted Vic to let him know. The brunette replied that he was just arriving too so they met at the main entrance just like they that weekend not too long ago. Vic looked comfortable in a pair of baggy pants and a maroon shirt, a medium-sized portfolio hung from his shoulder, and his hair was down.

Kellin put on a hat as he walked towards him, even though the sun was not that intense anymore he didn't want to suffocate like last time, it would also protect his eyes. And he chose to wear jeans and a button-up shirt, his common weekend clothes.

"Hello," Vic said with a smile once Kellin reached him.

"Hi," Kellin greeted just the same.

"Where's your little companion?" Vic asked, noticing Penny's absence immediately.

"Oh, her schedule was full today I'm afraid," Kellin joked and Vic laughed.


Kellin nodded, a smile creeping up on his mouth too. "Yeah, she sees her other grandmother for the weekend once a month."

"That sounds nice."

"Yeah... She doesn't get to see them too often so it's nice for her."

Vic nodded too and Kellin thought about how Vic probably had no idea what he was talking about.

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