18. beach

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"I can feel the sun on you, warm me up the way you do."

"You've arrived at your destination..."

The GPS voice-over informed through the car speakers and Kellin Quinn pushed on the brakes slowly, not quite believing the computerized lady.

"...Is that the house?" Tay asked from the passenger seat, leaning over the console and lifting her sunglasses on her forehead to get a better look through the windshield.

Kellin mimicked her actions and scrunched up his face without meaning to.

"That's what the phone says," he replied logically, but he didn't believe it. That couldn't possibly be the house. Vic had said that there was plenty of room, but he never mentioned it was a mansion.

Tay whistled and laughed to herself. Somehow she seemed even more glad to have accepted his invitation now. He didn't know what to think yet.

"Daddy, is this the beach?" a small voice from the backseat interrupted what Kellin wanted to say to his sister. He turned around in his seat and grinned with a nod of his head.

Penny had spent the entire three-hour ride to the beach fast asleep, Kellin was grateful that she didn't get fuzzy as he'd expected it could happen. She still looked sleepy and dazed but he knew the excitement was slowly creeping up her eyes, and it only grew larger once he confirmed the fact.

"Yes Monkey, we're here! We're at the beach!"

Penny gasped and smiled widely, giggling and cheering along with him, swinging her unicorn plushie Imon around to share that joy. Tay also joined in with the clapping and that made Penny giggle harder. She was so excited it made Kellin feel a whole lot better about his choice of coming here. Everything he ever did was for his daughter's happiness and right now she looked pretty happy.

After parking the car properly—in the wide parking space in front, beside two other cars—and killing the engine, the siblings got out of the cramped space and gave their limbs a well-deserved stretch. Kellin headed to the trunk to get their bags and Tay helped Penny get out of the baby seat.

He grabbed all the backpacks and hung them from his shoulders, probably looking ridiculous which was reaffirmed by Tay's laughter as she reappeared, sunglasses back on and Penny carried on her hip.

"So..." Tay said as she stood beside him, both of them looking at the enormous house in front of them. "Is Vic's friend rich or something?"

Kellin made a face. "I have no idea."

A soft breeze was already rustling his hair, the salt air and the warmth the sun gave off were comforting enough to Kellin. He found it odd how the sun here was bearable while at home he hated it. He supposed it was different. Better.

They could hear the waves crashing in the distance, which led Kellin to believe the backyard of the house was the actual beach. He already had his suspicions. They had to get through a gated security check to get to the house, and in the remaining drive, they saw the coastline the entire time. It was stupidly nice. Kellin smiled the entire time without meaning to.

And now, looking at the house, he stopped himself from smiling too much. It was a beautiful, pale-blue coastal cottage. Two stories, maybe three, octagonal roof shapes, a front balcony, a lot of windows, and a contemporary look that seemed influenced by a more classical beachy style. He couldn't believe it would be their stay for the weekend.

"Should I call Vic or do we ring–" Kellin couldn't finish his sentence before Tay walked up to the ample front door and rang the doorbell twice.

When Kellin scowled at her, she only grinned. Penny giggled none the wiser. 

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