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"Hey!" I point and Clay goes stiff. Looking like he's about to crack up laughing any time. "No cheating you stupid bitch." His mouth widens with an offended look on his face.

"I cannot believe my own sister is accusing me of cheating... i feel offended." He grins but just as im about to speak again Nick walks in.

My words stop right up my throat as i see his whole bare chest. God he is hot. My face turns red and Clay takes a notice of this. "HEY STOP LOOKING AT HIS ABS!" both me and nick look at him.

I find my way to stand up on my knees and start hitting him while i lean over the small tv table in front of us. "Fuck you, i was not!" The words come out over and over again as i hit him.

He is just laughing. "And you too! Put on a shirt you moron." i sit back again. Nick who was just laughing the whole time walks up the stairs.

"Hey!! Now it's all a mess." He says as he looks down on the table. Monopoly money is laying all over and the hotel he got (by cheating) is now on the floor. "I was gonna win anyways." He rolls his eyes and puts both his hands on the table pushing himself up from the floor.

"But actually, don't you know fall for him. He's a dick." The seriousness in his voice make me quiet. "I won't." He nods then leaves me alone there. 'Don't fall for him, he's a dick' god he's stupid.

Just because his abs are nice doesn't mean I'll be fucking fallin for him. I do the same as Clay and push myself up of the floor. I begin walking up the stairs leaving the mess for Clay too clean up.

I go too the toilet and brush my teeth, after that i snuggle up in the guest room bed. It's comfortable and i fall asleep instantly.

I hear a loud bang from the other room and my eyes shut open. I stand up trying to find my shirt on the dark floor. When i finally find it i put it on as fast as possible.

I can hear two boys talking then again a bang. When i exit my room i see the two. Nick is being pushed against the wall and the one pushing him is Clay.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yell at Clay noticing blood running down Nicks nose. He looses his grip and takes a step closer too me. "Y/n, listen."

I ignore him and make my way towards Nick who's nose is still bleeding. I take his arm and drag him into the opened bathroom closing the door also locking it. "Why?" I question as i get paper and put it under his nose.

He doesn't reply but instead just looks at me. I put my knee on the toilet between his two legs to hold myself steady after getting all the things i need to fix with his nose.

"You can hold my hand when i put alsossprit on it. It hurts pretty bad." His hand connects with mine and i put the little pad on the wound. He flinches and pinches my hand. "I joked around about you being cute."

I giggled. "So you don't actually think I'm cute?" His lips curves up just a little bit. We both where whispering other than that nothing could be heard. "No, i do. I just don't think your brother appreciates that." His hand never let go of mine and he squeeze's is lightly.

"In the car... when you fell asleep. The reason for us fighting was because i said i could carry you inside. He didn't appreciate that either. And the picture of us when we where eating on MacDonalds or when i asked him if you're lesbia-"

"What?!" I laugh. "Why did you?" He puts his forehead against my stomach in embarrassment as i continue laughing. "You know the other night when we where watching Edward Scissorhands and you said the girl was pretty." I think for a second and he looks up at me again.

"Oh god, stupid. First of all, you should have asked me and not him. Second of all I'm not. I'm bisexual, not lesbian." He stands up and hovers over me.

"Theres many things your brother doesn't appreciate." I stop and just look at him for some seconds.

His face gets closer and closer until it's only inches from mine i can feel his breath on my face. Our eyes are glued to each other and i start to feel warm.

"Like what?" I question knowing exactly what's going to happen next.

"Let me the fuck in!" I recognise the voice from outside. His voice made me jump back and when i open the door Clay is standing there not wasting a second just entering taking his phone from the counter then exiting the room.

"It's all done, just try not getting into more stupid fights ok." He nods.

"Goodnight Nick." He doesn't move just gives me a small smile. "Goodnight." I get back to my room sitting down on my bed. I'm so tired right now i just want to go to sleep again.

Maw maw almost kissed

For you too be mine Sapnap x OCWhere stories live. Discover now