I'm sorry

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The car ride is completely quiet. No words, no smile. And no listening too music.

I see him look down at his phone. "Don't look at your phone while your driving." He puts down his phone and looks back at the road. "So are you ready to speak yet?"

"There's not much to say is there?" He sighs.

"Jasmine i never planned on loving you. I didn't even want to admit it at first." I take a long breath.

"You don't love me. You don't even know me." The silence flows in.

"I do." He says hurt. I look at him. "Just stop! Ok! Just fucking stop! We have known each other for like three days!"

He doesn't say anything at all. Nothing. Just drives.

Its five am and we're finally home. I get out and run inside leaving the door open for Nick to get in. He stands there in the hallway of my house. Watching me run around.

"You need to calm down." I stop up and look at him. "I need nothing more than too get to that boy right now." He steps closer too me. "I'll drive you there, if you promise me one thing." Again he takes a step closer.

"Promise me, that whatever happens you will still be my friend. And i don't fucking care if you don't like me that way. But i don't ever, want to lose you." My eyes are stuck on his.

"Ok?" He asks and i nod. Then we get back too the car and he drives me to the hospital. When i get in i see Angela. "Angel, where is he?" I ask.

"Jasmine, there wasn't much we could do..."

"Please just tell me." She looks sad at me. "The room next to Adams. I begin walking down the halls of the hospital wondering what had happened.

Just as I open the door I look behind me and see Nick following. "Just stay here ok." He nods and sits down on a chair outside the room. When i walk in i see him. Anpu and his mom sleeping in a chair beside him with his hand in hers. He is laying there with all these cables around him.

I take his hand in mine. "Hey." I say with teary eyes. He slowly darts his eyes to me. "Hi." His weak voice makes me frown. "I missed you." I try smiling.

"I missed you too." I trace my hand on his cheek while a sob come out of me. "Am i going to die Jas?" I close my eyes. Then nod.

He can't survive, and money doesn't matter. It's terminal. He is going to die. "I don't want to die." I try smiling again tears running down my eyes.

"Do you want to know something?" I ask and he answers with a yes.

"When i die, I'll come and look for you. And we'll be the best most wonderful nurses in after life." He smiles. "Really?"

I nod. "Who was that with you." At first i didn't get it but after a second or so it clicked. "It's Clay's best friend." His smile is adorable.

"Do you like him?" I frown. "I don't have time-"
He cuts me of. "You have plenty of time miss, my question was do you like him?" I get taken aback. "I mean... i do."

A grin lurks onto his face. "Does he like you?" I glimpse at the door. "Ya, he think he loves me."

"Maybe he does. I mean, i love you. What makes you think he doesn't?" I tilt my head slightly. "Am i getting incarcerated by a child right now?" I giggle.

"Do you love him?" My mouth opens ready to say no. But it doesn't. I can't say no. Because that would be a lie.

"I don't know." He smiles. "I'm pretty sure you do." I think. Fuck. I do don't I.

I stand up. "Wait here one second." I push open the door and walk up too him. "Wha-" i bend down and kiss him. And he kisses me back. His hand is placed on the back of my neck. When we break apart he looks into my eyes.

He breaths fast. "I love you too." I say. He pushes himself up from the chair. "I love you too too." He says while pursing our lips together.

I hear a voice from Anpus room. I break apart from Nick and walk up to the door to see Anpu with closed eyes. His mom is freaking out and that's when i understand. Anpu...He's...dead.

I stand and stare while his mom is trying to talk to her son. I reach out for the bottom that calls in all the doctors. Everything get's dizzy. People enters the room but i just stand there. I feel a person hugging me. Put i do nothing but too stare.

"You need to get out of this room." I vaguely hear a doctor say. Nick pushes me out carefully and the door closes. I stare up at Nick. He is frowning.

"I'm so so sorry." He whispers. That's when all the feeling comes too me. When i break down. I'm in his arms. They're tightly holding me. "It's going to be ok. I promise." He says.

I come to remember one time when me and Anpu where looking up our names on the internet. In which Anpus names meaning is death. That night i promised him he'd live as long as I'm there.

And now Anpu is dead. He is no longer breathing on this earth. I wasn't even there when he closed his eyes for the last time. Im sorry Anpu.

For you too be mine Sapnap x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن