That's crazy!

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Last night is all i can think of. How me and Nick where so close. The fact that it could have ended up with us kissing makes me smile and frown at the same time. He wanted to kiss me. And it makes me happy, but i wish it didn't.

I get down and see Nick eating breakfast. "I made you some." He say and i sit down in front of him. He pushes a plate towards me with a sandwich on it.

I smile. "Thank you." I start eating and Nick starts looking a little more serious. "Should we talk about what happened yesterday?" I bounce my leg.

"What exactly? That my brother wanted you dead." I try making a joke out of it. "Jasmine, i know you wanted to kiss me and i wanted to kiss you."

I frown and smile at the same time. I have such mixed feelings about it. I would love to maybe go on a date but at the same time i don't have time. I work with Anpu and he should be my first priority.

"Nick, we should not be something other than friends. Ok?" I can see the pain in his eyes as my words hit him with a force.

"I thought you liked me?" I frown even more then before. "I do, i just i don't kno-" he interrupts me. "You what?"

I don't answer. The silence becomes louder and louder. "I'm sorry." I say. "I just don't have time."

He looks straight down at the table. "We can work it out." I stand up and walk to his side of the table and then i... hug him. Not these normal kinds of hug. It was a hug that showed that i was really sorry. His hands wraps around me.

"When you opened the door the first day i cane here there was this feeling. A feeling i hadn't felt in a while. I just ignored it. It's not that i don't want to be with you and go on dates and buy overpriced teddy bears for you on valentines. I just shouldn't. I need to focus on work. Without any distractions."

He stands up not letting go of the hug. "Just let me try and make it work." I squeeze my eyes tightly and shake my head.

He pulls apart. It's sick how a person you met only three days ago can mean so much to you.

We let go of each other and just in that moment Clay walks down the stairs. He doesn't say a word just sits down at the table a looks down on it.

"Can we talk, Jasmine?" He says and i glance at Nick who just nods. "Yes." I say and he and i walks out too the living room.

"I'm sorry for what i did yesterday." I cross my arms. "You should tell Nick that." He kind of rolls his eyes. "If you like Nick then that's ok from me."

As much as him thinking it's ok or not shouldn't matter too me it does. I feel a relief. Not that i will date him or so. "Thank you. But me and him talked and we will not be having a relationship in any way more than just friends" Is all i say and i smile. We get back too the kitchen where Nick is still hanging out.

"Does anyone want to go too the golf thing with me or are we just gonna be sad all day? It's pretty much my last day." We all smile and agree. When we get out too the car i let Clay sit in the front. I can see that Nick looked at me and sighed.

He starts the car and drives out of the driveway. Th car continues out on a road. The ride there is around fifteen minutes only but i tell Clay to play some great songs.

"Ohh! I love this song." I tell him too turn up the audio. It really is a great song. "I think the best thing about this trip must have been when we where playing tag in the water." Clay laughs.

For you too be mine Sapnap x OCWhere stories live. Discover now