Chapter 5: Solis

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Lightning sparking in his eyes, Barry bolted out of the police station in a hurry. It wouldn't take that long to get to S.T.A.R. Labs, but Barry debated what would happen once he arrived. Would Cisco and Caitlin have somehow developed some miracle-like sedative in the short amount of time that they had to work on it? While it seemed unlikely, Barry knew that the two had pulled off some pretty impressive stunts in the past. He just had to believe in them.

Within a few moments, Barry ended up in the facility of S.T.A.R. Labs once again.

Upon entering the Cortex, his eyes caught sight of his two friends bickering.

"Are you sure that the sedative will work? I'm telling you Caitlin, that we should add gold compounds into it! Gold is the weakness of werecats!" Cisco exclaimed, seemingly convinced of this statement.

Caitlin rolled her eyes, and sighed.

"Cisco, this isn't a movie. This is reality." Caitlin pointed out in an annoyed tone.

"Hey... guys." Barry said, just trying to make his presence known.

Both of them whipped their heads around.

"Jeez, Barry! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Is the sedative ready yet?" Barry asked in a serious tone of voice.

"Yes. And, we aren't adding gold to it Cisco! That's final." Caitlin stated.

"Fine. Be like that, then." Cisco said in a dramatic pout.

The computer screens glitched out in front of Caitlin and Cisco, and the Werecat appeared on their screens.

"Guys! Your computers!" Barry shouted.

"The computers? What about them?" Cisco asked cautiously, turning his head around to look at whatever it was Barry was talking about.

Caitlin did the same, eyes widening as they both caught sight of their hacked systems.

"Tsk. Come on, Flash. Time is ticking. The more time you waste bickering with your friends, the less time you have to make your decision. Bring me Harrison Wells? Or Helen Beck dies. Simple. Don't make me do something that... I definitely won't regret, but Teresa Ferox will." Solis threatened.

"What do you mean? Aren't you Teresa Ferox?" Cisco asked in confusion.

"Even someone as smart as you couldn't figure it out? Teresa Ferox fused with a freaking cat during the Particle Accelerator Explosion! How many times do I have to repeat this?" Solis replied annoyedly.

"I don't even know how you're speaking English, you evil incarnation of Hello Kitty!" Cisco responded.

"My name is Solis. However, I highly doubt that this is the time to be joking around, Francisco Baracus Ramon. Especially when the life of a not-so-innocent civilian is at stake. Your inability to stay focused is gonna get you or someone you love killed someday." Solis antagonized.

"Uhm... why do you know my name?" Cisco asked.

"I know all of your names. Bartholomew Henry Allen, Caitlin Danielle Snow, and... oh, here comes the infamous Dr. Harrison Wells. How lovely." Solis stated.

Wells wheeled into the Cortex, giving an unenthused look to the Werecat on the screen.

"Hello, Harrison. Assuming you picked up on that conversation earlier... it'd be wise to just turn yourself in. Something tells me that you have a connection with Helen Beck. It's not like you seem to care much about the lives of human beings, as you destroyed many of their lives when setting off the Particle Accelerator. However, you appear to enjoy manipulating individuals to do your dirty work for you... similar to another dangerous man that I have a history with. That makes you dangerous as well." Solis growled intimidatingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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